2024 Gala
Speaker Candidates Forum: A New Vision for Open Space!

Event - November 2021

Speaker Candidates Forum: A New Vision for Open Space!

On November 17th, New Yorkers for Parks, New York League of Conservation Voters, Regional Plan Association, and Center for an Urban Future held a virtual Council Speaker Candidates Forum, "A New Vision for Open Space!"

Tags: economic growth

Speaker Candidates Forum: "A New Vision for Open Space!"
A New Yorkers for Parks, New York League of Conservation Voters, Regional Plan Association, and Center for an Urban Future Virtual Speaker Candidates Forum

Replay of the event

What can the next City Council can do to support a more equitable, better-funded public realm in NYC?

After a pandemic that highlighted the importance of open space to quality of life in our city, we need a policy agenda that prioritizes the public realm – the streets, parks, sidewalks, community spaces we use every day – to support climate resilience and economic recovery while reclaiming space for New Yorkers.

We asked leading candidates for Speaker how they would advance a comprehensive open space plan, building upon pandemic-era innovations including Open Streets and Open Restaurants to reclaim more shared space for New Yorkers.

Katie Honan, political and metro reporter at THE CITY, moderated.

Participating candidates:

  • Diana Ayala
  • Justin Brannan
  • Gale Brewer
  • Francisco Moya
  • Keith Powers
  • Carlina Rivera