

DOT Expands Micromobility to Queens, Echoing CUF Recommendations

Impact - June 2023

DOT Expands Micromobility to Queens, Echoing CUF Recommendations

The city’s Department of Transportation announced that the successful e-scooter sharing program piloted in the Bronx will expand to eastern Queens. CUF's recent commentary on expanding micromobility in all five boroughs called for the expansion of the Bronx e-scooter pilot to less transit-rich neighborhoods in Queens.

CUF inspires pilot program to open up streets and public spaces for outdoor commerce

Impact - July 2020

CUF inspires pilot program to open up streets and public spaces for outdoor commerce

Staten Island Economic Development Corporation piloted a new program this past weekend that closed down a busy street in the New Dorp Lane District to allow for outside dining and outdoor shopping, inspired by recent CUF recommendations.

CUF Finding Leads to Increased Funding for Water Tunnel No. 3

Impact - April 2016

CUF Finding Leads to Increased Funding for Water Tunnel No. 3

Center for an Urban Future report spurs increased funding and accelerated timeline for the completion of Water Tunnel No. 3.

Library Times Are A-Changin'

Data - March 2016

Library Times Are A-Changin'

Our second annual assessment of library hours in New York shows that 40 percent more branch libraries in NYC are open at least six days a week than this time last year. But while city libraries are open an average of 4 hours more per week than a year ago, they still lag behind many of the largest library systems in the state and nation in hours of operation.

Fast City, Slow Commute

Data - March 2016

Fast City, Slow Commute

New Yorkers are efficient, direct and fast moving. Their commutes: anything but. In this data analysis, we examine New Yorkers’ commutes by neighborhood and across industries.

Parks Facilities, How the Boroughs Compare

Data - July 2015

Parks Facilities, How the Boroughs Compare

New York is home to the country’s oldest, busiest and most expansive parks. These facilities, however, are not equally distributed across the city’s neighborhoods and boroughs. In this data brief, we look at the per capita distribution of Department of Parks and Recreation pools, tennis courts, handball courts and baseball diamonds.

Data from Creative New York

Data - June 2015

Data from Creative New York

Charts and tables from our 2015 Creative New York study. The report found that the creative sector is one of New York City’s most important economic assets but that the city’s working artists, nonprofit arts groups and for-profit creative firms face a growing number of challenges.

NYC Libraries by the Numbers

Data - June 2015

NYC Libraries by the Numbers

Despite declining funds and limited hours of service, New York City’s public libraries are seeing a surge in users and uses. Below we show where the growth is happening and how funding cuts in recent years have affected performance, and provide the city’s first branch-by-branch accounting of book circulation, program attendance and visits.

Library Funding is Behind the Times

Data - April 2015

Library Funding is Behind the Times

Though visits, book circulation and program attendance are on the rise, New York City’s public libraries are open fewer hours than the state’s largest counties and trail behind cities throughout the nation.

Data from Re-Envisioning New York's Branch Libraries

Data - September 2014

Data from Re-Envisioning New York's Branch Libraries

Charts and tables from our Re-Envsioning New York's Branch Libraries report which found that while more New Yorkers than ever are using the city’s public libraries, a significant share of the branches suffer from major physical defects and are poorly configured for how New Yorkers are using libraries today. The report provides a comprehensive blueprint for bringing these vital community institutions into the 21st Century.

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