2024 Gala
Expanding on CS4All: Bolstering Computing Education in NYC’s Schools

Event - November 2022

Expanding on CS4All: Bolstering Computing Education in NYC’s Schools

On November 17th, CUF held a forum to examine how to build on New York City’s successful Computer Science for All initiative and ensure far more young people are prepared with the foundational computational thinking and digital skills that make them stronger learners and problem solvers—and seed futures in computing.

Tags: tech economic opportunity

"Expanding on CS4All: Bolstering Computing Education in NYC’s Schools to Lay the Groundwork for a More Diverse Tech Sector"
A Center for an Urban Future Policy Symposium

Replay of the event
Event materials​

To accelerate progress toward a more equitable economy in New York City, new policies and investments are needed to close tech sector opportunity gaps and help far more New Yorkers of color, women, and low-income residents get on the path to well-paying tech careers. Achieving a tech workforce that reflects the diversity of New York City will require new efforts to scale technology training programs, apprenticeships, and initiatives at CUNY, and stronger action from employers. However, no policy area presents city leaders with the potential for greater long-term impact than effective new investments in computing education at the K-12 level.  
This forum explored how to build on New York City’s successful Computer Science for All initiative and ensure far more young people are prepared with the foundational computational thinking and digital skills that make them stronger learners and problem solvers—and seed futures in computing. It discussed how to ensure more of the city’s current and future teachers receive the training, coaching, and professional development needed to integrate computational thinking into their classrooms and schools, and explore how to build on promising teacher training initiatives like CUNY's Computing Integrated Teacher Education program.

Speakers included:

  • Council Member Rita Joseph, New York City Council; Chair, Committee on Education
  • Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, City University of New York (CUNY)
  • Richard Buery Jr., CEO, Robin Hood
  • Fred Wilson, Co-Founder, Union Square Ventures; Chairman, NYC Department of Education's CS4All Capital Campaign
  • Shanika Hope, Director of Tech Education, Google
  • Katy Knight, President & Executive Director, Siegel Family Endowment
  • Debbie Marcus, Senior Director, Break Through Tech; Former Founding Executive Director, CS4All
  • Tunisia Mitchell, Interim Acting Executive Director of CS4All, NYC Department of Education
  • Aankit Patel, Director, STEM Education Programs, CUNY

A video of the full discussion is available here.

This symposium is made possible through generous support from Robin Hood and Google. We are also grateful for general support from The Clark Foundation, the Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation, the Altman Foundation, and ongoing support from a number of other philanthropic funders.