RE:NEW YORK CITY— How to Revive NYC’s Economy, Spark Good Jobs, and Build a More Equitable City
On September 22, CUF held a policy forum to explore what bold steps the New York’s next mayor—and the many other new leaders across city government entering office in January 2022—will need to do to create an economic recovery that is lasting and equitable.
On September 22nd, the Center for an Urban Future held a major policy conference about New York City's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic featuring national urban experts Richard Florida and Ed Glaeser as well as innovative New York City leaders including Sheena Wright, Jennifer Jones Austin, David Rockwell, Rafael Cestero, Christine Quinn, Seth Pinsky, Anil Dash, Justin Garrett Moore, Gregg Bishop, Plinio Ayala, David Wu, and several others. The dynamic event, titled, “RE:NEW YORK CITY—How to Revive NYC’s Economy, Spark Good Jobs, and Build a More Equitable City,” was designed to generate concrete ideas for what New York's next leaders should do to ensure a lasting and equitable recovery in New York City.
Please click here to view the full replay of the event, or check out direct links below to the many individual segments of the event, which included:
Eleven 3-minute "idea pitches," with each TED-style presentation focused on one idea for New York's recovery. These were delivered by: Columbia University epidemiology professor Wafaa El-Sadr, Huge Chief Creative Officer Jason Musante, Glitch founder Anil Dash, urban designer & Andrew W. Mellon Foundation program officer Justin Garrett Moore, Win President & CEO Christine Quinn, CPC President & CEO Rafael Cestero, Baruch College President S. David Wu, Per Scholas CEO Plinio Ayala, Streetsense Managing Director Larisa Ortiz, Green City Force Executive Director Tonya Gayle, and former Times Square Alliance president Tim Tompkins.
One-on-one fireside chats with Harvard economist Ed Glaeser, urbanist Richard Florida, and FPWA CEO Jennifer Jones Austin.
An extended panel discussion featuring United Way of NYC President & CEO Sheena Wright, Rockwell Group Founder David Rockwell, Social Justice Fund Executive Director Gregg Bishop, 92nd Street Y CEO Seth Pinsky, Fund for the City of New York President Lisette Nieves, and Fisher Brothers partner Winston Fisher.
Wafaa El-Sadr, Professor of Epidemiology & Medicine, Columbia University; Director, ICAP Help prepare NYC for the next pandemic by making New Yorkers healthier through investments in public health, preventative care, and health literacy Video
Christine Quinn, President & CEO, Win Create and support workforce programs for women Video
Justin Garrett Moore, Program Officer, Humanities in Place, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Create a Department of Care to strengthen local capacity to reimagine, maintain, and care for public spaces Video
Jason Musante, Global Chief Creative Officer, Huge Help NYC businesses compete in the metaverse Video
Anil Dash, Founder & CEO, Glitch Boost the city’s economy by making it easier for NYC startups to win city technology contracts Video
Plinio Ayala, President & CEO, Per Scholas Invest in quality childcare for New Yorkers in workforce training programs Video
Rafael Cestero, President & CEO, Community Preservation Corporation Break the logjam around housing development in NYC with a grand bargain on housing and jobs Video
Tim Tompkins, Former President, Times Square Alliance Neighborhood Incubator Initiative: Creating affordable clusters of small business innovation and entrepreneurship across NYC Video
Tonya Gayle, Executive Director, Green City Force Create an NYC Climate Corps Video
Larisa Ortiz, Managing Director, Streetsense Spur the return to offices by supporting public programming that reinvigorates business districts Video
S. David Wu, President, Baruch College Pair CUNY’s talented, diverse, and tech-savvy students with local small businesses that need help to thrive Video
Edward Glaeser, Chairman, Department of Economics, Harvard University; Co-Author, Survival of the City
How NYC Can Overcome Challenges Old and New to Bounce Back Strong Video
Richard Florida, Urbanist; Professor, University of Toronto; Author, Rise of the Creative Class
The Keys to a Lasting and Inclusive Recovery in NYC Video
Jennifer Jones Austin, CEO and Executive Director, FPWA Building a More Equitable NYC Now and in the Future Video
PANEL DISCUSSION: What NYC Needs for a Lasting and Equitable Recovery
Gregg Bishop, Executive Director, Social Justice Fund
This symposium was made possible through generous support from Fisher Brothers and Winston C. Fisher. We are also grateful for general support from The Clark Foundation, the Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation, the Altman Foundation, and ongoing support from a number of other philanthropic funders.