
Recent Press

First Look at the Innovative Cinema School Designed to Drive the Future of Brooklyn Film
Brownstoner, by Barbara Eldredge, November 09, 2015

New York City’s Growing Creative Sector Faces Ongoing Challenges
Metrofocus, November 06, 2015

Contradictions of the Creative Economy
The Clyde Fitch Report, by Ken Tabachnick, November 04, 2015

With Bronx Businesses Under Siege, A Bill to Stabilize Commercial Tenant Leases
Norwood News, by David Cruz, November 03, 2015

Opening of All-Decaf Coffee Shop in Manhattan Met with Horror, Outrage
The Washington Post, by Yanan Wang, November 02, 2015

Sharp rise in Island cultural nonprofits: Spotlight on spending
Staten Island Advance, by Lauren Steussy, October 30, 2015

Op-Ed: NY libraries shouldn’t be selling land — especially to build ‘affordable housing’
New York Post, by Nicole Gelinas, October 18, 2015

Civic Groups Must Drive Big Money Out Of Politics, Panelists Argue
Sheepshead Bites, by Alex Ellefson, October 16, 2015

Flushing: New York’s forgotten airport – and most contested development site
The Guardian, by Siddhartha Mitter, October 15, 2015

A Beloved Recording Studio May Be Priced Out of SoHo
The New York Times, by Ben Sisario, October 09, 2015

City Council Takes Aggressive Role in Workplace Issues
Gothan Gazette, by Samar Khurshid, October 08, 2015

Long Island City scales new heights with gym
Crain's New York Business, by Hilary Potkewitz, October 07, 2015

Brooklyn Blast Reminder of Ordinary Things That Can Cause Deadly Gas Explosions
Epoch Times, by Amelia Pang, October 06, 2015

Tech Cities: From Silicon Valley to Silicon Prairie
Urban Land, by Howard Kozloff and Christina Calabrese, October 02, 2015

Independent Sources - Diversity Disparity
CUNY Television , by Garry Pierre-Pierre, September 21, 2015

The State of the Arts in NYC: Pushing Artists to the Brink of Crisis
WBAI, by Savona Bailey-McClain, September 16, 2015

Why is New York City’s Growing Technology Sector so White?
City Limits, by Marc Bussanich, September 15, 2015

Why You Should Be Suspicious Of The ‘Creative Economy’
Huffington Post, by Ben Davis, September 11, 2015

Queens Wants a Bigger Cut From U.S. Open Cash Cow
WNYC , by Jim O'Grady, September 11, 2015

POLITICO New York’s Culture Biz Report: Do You Want to Go to Chelsea?
POLITICO New York, by Kelly Weill, September 10, 2015

Creative New York
BK Live , September 10, 2015

Early dismissal for some schools Wednesday due to excessive heat
ABC New York, by A.J. Ross, September 09, 2015

Buddy can you spare $2m? New York’s housing crisis
BBC News, by Clive Coleman, September 08, 2015

Led by New Office, De Blasio Forms His Brand of Public-Private Partnerships
Gotham Gazette, by Brit Byrd, September 04, 2015

#AskVinSI: How does the city plan its road paving schedule?
Staten Island Advance, by Vincent Barone, September 02, 2015

New York beats Silicon Valley on diversity, but it’s not perfect
Mashable, by Ronald Chavez, August 28, 2015

Drilling down on the burgeoning tech sector
Crain's New York Business, by Greg David, August 27, 2015

Marist Helps Small Businesses by Joining IBM Supplier Connection
Hudson Valley News Network, by Kathy Welsh, August 26, 2015

N.Y.C.‘s growing tech scene not as diverse as Big Apple itself
New York Business Journal, by Michael del Castillo, August 21, 2015

NY ignores infrastructure at its peril
amNY, by Liza Featherstone, August 20, 2015

City’s tech workers are still mostly white, male, study finds
Politico New York, by Miranda Neubauer, August 20, 2015

The city’s very white tech sector
Crain's New York Business, by Greg David, August 20, 2015

The Center for an Urban Future’s analysis on NYC’s tech diversity
TechCrunch, August 20, 2015

Middle class losing out in big cities
CNN International, by Harry Siegel, August 19, 2015

Boro has the most public tennis courts in city
Times Ledger, by Sadef Ali Kully, August 18, 2015

Despite the Rising Cost of Living, Brooklyn Is Still a Creative Haven
Brooklyn Magazine, by Sam Blum, August 13, 2015

Chain stores and high rents batter bodegas
The Real Deal, by Ariel Stulberg, August 04, 2015

Bodegas Declining in Manhattan as Rents Rise and Chains Grow
New York Times, by Tatiana Schlossberg, August 03, 2015

The North Shore of NYC’s forgotten borough slated to become a Brooklyn-style boom town
New York Daily News, by Katherine Clarke, July 23, 2015

Editorial: A need for more arts jobs
The Inquirer, July 20, 2015

New York’s creative sector boosts economy
CCTV, by Nick Harper, July 14, 2015

Opinion: Facing the music, Little Orchestra Society scales back
Crain's New York Business, by William Ohlemeyer, July 13, 2015

Report Finds New York City’s Creative Sector Is Thriving, for Now
Hyperallergic, by Claire Voon, July 09, 2015

Giant Wheel, Still Unbuilt, Is Seen As Staten Island’s Savior
Curbed NY, by Zoe Rosenberg, July 08, 2015

Betting on the New York Wheel to Elevate Staten Island’s Fortunes
New York Times, by Patrick McGeehan, July 08, 2015

Can CUNY Career Programs STEM Income Inequality?
City Limits, by Marc Bussanich, July 02, 2015

The Virtuous Cycle of Keeping Your City Affordable for Artists
Next City, by by Adam Forman, July 01, 2015

Creative Job Stats Every Brooklynite Should Know
Brownstoner, June 30, 2015

Forest Hills Barnes & Noble faces final chapter
Crain's New York Business, by Danni Santana, June 29, 2015

Opinion: City Officials Must Do More To Boost New York’s Creative Sector
City & State, by Jonathan Bowles, June 28, 2015

Creative Sector Employs Nearly 300,000 in NYC, 7 Percent of All Jobs Citywide
Dexigner, June 28, 2015

Editorial: Chain Overreaction
Crain's New York Business, June 26, 2015

Wanted: “Good American Jobs”
Next City, by Alexis Stephens, June 26, 2015

Aging in New York: City Wrestles with Poverty Among Seniors
City Limits, by Suzanne Travers, June 25, 2015

The U.S. Cities Where Creative Jobs Are Thriving
Fast Company's Co.Exist, by Jessica Leber, June 25, 2015

Rents giving artsy tenants stage fright
Real Estate Weekly, by Dan Orlando, June 24, 2015

New York’s Creative Class Leading City’s Economic Growth, But Struggling To Pay The Rent
Brooklyn Magazine, by Sam Blum, June 24, 2015

NYC’s creative class job sector tops L.A., as film and TV production jumps
New York Business Journal, by Teresa Novellino, June 24, 2015

NYC Public Libraries Get Largest Funding Increase Ever
Hyperallergic, by Jillian Steinhauer, June 24, 2015

Study: Staten Island lags in creative sector despite nonprofit growth
Staten Island Advance, by Lauren Steussy, June 24, 2015

Study: NYC creative sector is growing
Miami Herald, June 24, 2015

Number of creative professionals in the city grows, but so do their expenses
Crain's New York Business, by Danni Santana, June 24, 2015

Creative Class Leading the City in Jobs
GlobalSt.com, by Rayna Katz, June 24, 2015

Study: NYC creative sector is growing
San Francisco Gate, June 24, 2015

Creative New York Report Sizes Up New York City’s Creative Class
Women's Wear Daily, by Rosemary Feitelberg, June 23, 2015

New York’s Public School Students Sweat Out the End of the Semester
New York Times, by Noah Remnick, June 23, 2015

New York’s creative job sector is growing: study
New York Daily News, by Lisa L. Colangelo, June 23, 2015

Study documents rapid growth of Brooklyn’s creative economy
Brooklyn Daily Eagle , June 23, 2015

Can New Zoning Stop Chain Stores From Strangling The East Village?
Gothamist, by Lauren Evans, June 17, 2015

Bronx gets major boost in library attendance, report says
amNY, by Karina E. Cuevas, June 16, 2015

NYC could no longer be the world financial capital, according to a new report
amNY, by Sheila Anne Feeney, June 16, 2015

Made in Brooklyn, Again
City Journal, by Kay S. Hymowitz, June 15, 2015

New Corner in Some NYC Libraries Is All About Building Small Businesses
Next City, by Alexis Stephens, June 11, 2015

On City Parks, Mayor de Blasio Is Seen as Friend, Foe and Something in Between
New York Times, by Lisa W. Foderaro, June 11, 2015

Source of worrisome gas leak in DUMBO discovered, repaired
Brooklyn Daily Eagle , by Mary Frost, June 11, 2015

A Group Portrait of New York’s ‘Oldest Old’
New York Times, by John Leland, June 05, 2015

Editorial: Stop Starving Our Libraries
New York Observer, June 02, 2015

The casualties of the 421-a feud: While Cuomo and de Blasio are fighting, black and Latino youth need jobs
New York Daily News, by Errol Louis, June 02, 2015

Are Small NYC Retailers in Trouble?
Huffington Post, by Cody Lyon, June 02, 2015

It Could Cost NYC Over $300 Million to Deliver Promised Williamsburg Park
Gothamist, by Emma Whitford, June 01, 2015

No, New York City is not losing its soul
New York Daily News, by Francis Marrone, May 31, 2015

Cities Are Building Job Training Programs of the Future
Next City, by Alexis Stephens, May 29, 2015

Middle-income New Yorkers struggling with heavy rent burden, study says
amNY, by Ivan Pereira, May 29, 2015

Building One Livable City
Gotham Gazette, by Mark Levine and Tupper Thomas, May 27, 2015

Queens Library Takes Three Out Of Ten Awards
Queens Gazette, May 27, 2015

Can Wall Street-Friendly, Overly-Cautious Chuck Schumer Lead the Senate?
New York Observer, by Ross Barkan, May 26, 2015

Since money doesn’t grow on trees, park advocates call for creative funding ideas
Crain's New York Business, by Andrew J. Hawkins, May 22, 2015

Senior Housing Advocates Call for Parking Lot Redevelopment
Curbed NY, by Jeremiah Budin, May 21, 2015

Group Wants Parking Converted to Elderly Housing
Wall Street Journal, by Corinne Ramey, May 20, 2015

Turf Wars Hinder Transit and Transport in New York
The Bond Buyer, by Paul Burton, May 19, 2015

Advocates to de Blasio: Spend More on Infrastructure
The Bond Buyer, by Paul Burton, May 18, 2015

Photographing Every Disappearing Manhattan Bodega
Hyperallergic, by Allison Meier, May 11, 2015

2015 SIEDC Conference highlights ways to succeed in business
Staten Island Advance, by Tracey Porpora, April 29, 2015

Fix Water Mains, Improve Transit
Gotham Gazette, by Peter Peyser, April 28, 2015

This Woman Photographed Every Bodega in Manhattan
Village Voice, by Lara Zarum, April 27, 2015

Denying New York Libraries the Fuel They Need
New York Times, by Jim Dwyer, April 24, 2015

The MTA needs to get on the age train: How an aging subway system must evolve to serve New York City’s aging population
New York Daily News, by Adam Forman, April 20, 2015

In NYC, Debate Over Saving Small Shops Amid Chains’ Rise
Associated Press, by Deepti Hajela and Jennifer Peltz, April 18, 2015

Ready for growth, if funding allows
Queens Chronicle, by Cristina Schreil, April 16, 2015

Harsh Winter to Dampen Dunkin’ Donuts Earnings?
Zacks Equity Research , April 14, 2015

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