
Recent Press

Can New York’s Silicon Alley Rival California’s Silicon Valley?
Brand Channel, by Sheila Shayon, October 22, 2012

As MTA mulls $125 MetroCard, what else is rising in costs for New York City?
Metro, by Alison Bowen, October 14, 2012

Freelancers Union to Open Holistic Medical Center in Downtown Brooklyn
DNA Info, by Janet Upadhye, October 05, 2012

Cleanweb Hackathon Returns to NYC
Green Tech Enterprise, by Katherine Tweed, September 28, 2012

Brewing booze goes local
Metro, by Danielle Tcholakian, September 26, 2012

7-Eleven Reaches Out to NYC Bodega Owners
Convenience Store News, September 26, 2012

New York City and Its Small Businesses Go Digital
WNYC, September 25, 2012

Three Apps I Can’t Live Without | Jonathan Bowles
WNYC, September 25, 2012

(Big) Gulp: Bodegas Fret Over 7-Eleven
The Wall Street Journal, by Sumathi Reddy, September 25, 2012

Brooklyn’s Industrial Space Retools for a New Era
New York Times, by Ronda Kaysen, September 25, 2012

The Hollow Boom Of Brooklyn: Behind Veneer Of Gentrification, Life Gets Worse For Many
Forbes, by Joel Kotkin, September 25, 2012

Schumer: NY’s Booming Tech Industries Face Shortage of Highly-Qualified Engineers
The Jewish Voice, September 19, 2012

BRAINS Act Would Free Up Green Cards For Tech Startups To Hire Foreign-Born Students
Huffington Post, by Gerry Smith, September 19, 2012

Sen. Schumer to unveil BRAINS Act, an immigration bill for tech talent
Digital Trends, by Andrew Couts, September 18, 2012

New York City’s Tech Boom: Bad News, Good News
WNYC Blog, by Manoush Zomorodi, September 17, 2012

City Adds Another to Bronx Food Menu
Wall Street Journal, by Laura Kusisto, September 10, 2012

Decline of middle class not Obama’s fault
CNN, by LZ Granderson, September 05, 2012

The Heart of Fifth Avenue Shopping Is Edging to the South
New York Times, by Jane L. Levere, September 04, 2012

Tech & the City
Next American City, by Nancy Scola, September 03, 2012

Mayor touts Web in Jamaica
Times Ledger, by Rich Bockmann, September 02, 2012

Aqueduct racino’s hiring practices for management
NY Daily News, by Irving Dejohn, August 31, 2012

Running Out of Options
GlobeSt.com, by Miriam Lamey, August 30, 2012

A Manufacturing Renaissance at the Brooklyn Navy Yard
METROFOCUS, by Georgia Kral, August 28, 2012

A school for social-media novices
Crain's New York Business, by Anne Fisher, August 24, 2012

Sleepwalk to Work
New York Times, by Catherine Saint Louis, August 24, 2012

While Racing Through Its Digital Roadmap, City Offers Small Businesses a Toolkit
METROFOCUS, by Georgia Kral, August 23, 2012

Tech Growth Strong In NYC, Still Under SF and Silicon Valley
The Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber, August 22, 2012

Tale of two worlds: Statistics paint picture of extremes of wealth and poverty that exist side by si
New York Daily News, by Elena Milin and Lore Croghan, August 22, 2012

Bronx start-up businesses will get greater tax relief under Sen. Gillibrand’s proposed new legislat
New York Daily News, by Tanyanika Samuels, August 21, 2012

New York Chases Silicon Valley With Roosevelt Island Site
Businessweek, by Kathleen Chaykowski, August 17, 2012

Breaking Tech’s Code
Wall Street Journal, by Anjali Anthavley, August 17, 2012

Tech void drags down city’s small biz
Crain's New York Business, by Andrew Hawkins and Shane Dixon Kavanaugh, August 16, 2012

Small Businesses Need to be More Tech Savvy: Report
The Epoch Times, by Catherine Yang, August 15, 2012

NYC small biz still behind tech curve
Crain's New York Business, by Ian Thomas, August 15, 2012

Report Says Small Businesses Face Tech Gap
WNYC, by Manoush Zomorodi, August 15, 2012

Too Many Small Businesses Are Not Embracing Technology
MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Menglin Huang, August 15, 2012

Instead of Industrial Giants, Brooklyn Has Niche Factories
The New York Times, by Joseph Berger, August 07, 2012

What job squeeze? Demand for tech whiz kids reaches fever pitch
NY Daily News, by Phyllis Furman, August 06, 2012

Silicon Alley competes with Valley for high-tech paychecks
Fox News, by Kathleen Foster, August 03, 2012

Silicon Alley competes with Valley for high-tech paychecks
Fox News, by Kathleen Foster, August 03, 2012

Foreign-Born Business Owners Outnumber Native-Born in SI, Data Shows
DNAinfo.com, by Nicholas Rizzi, August 01, 2012

Cut Red Tape and Fines for Small Businesses, Says de Blasio
The Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber, August 01, 2012

Immigrants Own Most Staten Island Businesses, Report Says
DNA Info, by Nicholas Rizzi, August 01, 2012

Many S.I. Immigrants Are Running Their Own Businesses
NY1, by Amanda Farinacci, July 27, 2012

Park Slope now has city’s largest historic district, hotel replaces nightstand bibles with “Fifty Sh
The Real Deal, July 25, 2012

Staten Island lags in solar panel installations
SILive, by Judy L. Randall, July 25, 2012

Manhattan Rents Beckon Brooklynites
The Wall Street Journal, by Laura Kusisto, July 24, 2012

Doughnuts: the new cupcakes
Crain's New York Business, by Adrianne Pasquarelli, July 22, 2012

Etsy CEO Talks Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Senate Committee Meeting
NY Convergence, July 20, 2012

Will Affordable Housing Plan Leave Middle Class New Yorkers Out in the Cold?
Metro Focus, by Lindsay Armstrong, July 20, 2012

App-centric New York Tech Companies Begin to Rival Silicon Valley
IB Times TV, by Isha Soni, July 18, 2012

GED change will be costly for N.Y.
timesunion.com, by Thomas Hilliard, July 17, 2012

New York Startups Help Fuel City’s High-Tech Renaissance
Huffington Post, by Gerry Smith, July 16, 2012

Corner Store Pledge Drive: Small Businesses Look To Crowdfunding
New York Observer, by Kim Velsey, July 11, 2012

Corner Store Pledge Drive: Small Businesses Look To Crowdfunding
New York Observer, by Kim Velsey, July 11, 2012

Teens See Summer Jobs Vanish
Wall Street Journal, by Jackie Bischof, July 11, 2012

What About Clean Energy?
METROFOCUS, by Esha Ray, July 03, 2012

What About Clean Energy?
Metro Focus, by Esha Ray, July 02, 2012

Web Extra: Extended Interview with Seth Pinsky, President of the NYC Economic Development Corporatio
Metro Focus, by Lindsay Armstrong, June 28, 2012

As Retail Hub, Manhattan Tops National Average and Outstrips Other Boroughs
New York Times, by Patrick McGeehan, June 27, 2012

600-Foot Ferris Wheel for the Staten Island Ferry Terminal?
Curbed NY, by Jessica Dailey, June 26, 2012

Bloomberg Takes On ‘Digital Deserts’ To Support Local Tech Startups
Huffington Post, by Gerry Smith, June 26, 2012

The Tech Economy
MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, June 26, 2012

Ferris Wheel Eyed for Ferry Terminal
Wall Street Journal, by Eliot Brown, June 25, 2012

To Create Jobs, Break the ICE—Innovate, Collaborate, Educate
Huffington Post, by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, June 24, 2012

NYC Boosts Up Its Broadband Capacity
GlobeSt, by Jacqueline Hlavenka, June 22, 2012

To Be on Top, NYC Needs to Expand Broadband
WNYC, by Tracey Samuelson, June 22, 2012

Tech Through Time: Seth Pinsky Explains the Tech Explosion
MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Georgia Kral, June 22, 2012

If They Come, Will They Build It? The Need for Decentralized Transit
Next American City, by Sean Andrew Chen, June 20, 2012

More New Yorkers spending half their income on rent
Metro NY, by Cassandra Garrison, June 20, 2012

Rapid Bus Service: Transit’s Way Forward
The Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber, June 19, 2012

Outer Boroughs Suffer Transit Deficit, Need Better Bus Service
Transportation Alternatives, by Michael Murphy, June 19, 2012

The M.T.A. considers a new line to connect Manhattan to Westchester via the Bronx
Capital, by Dana Rubinstein, June 19, 2012

City Officials Call for Better Transit in the Outer Boroughs
DNAinfo, by Jeanmarie Evelly, June 19, 2012

Majora Carter and partners plan to open tech startup incubator and education center in Hunts Point,
New York Daily News, by Daniel Beekman, June 19, 2012

Rents Climb In Downturn, Demand Up
Wall Street Journal, by Laura Kusisto, June 19, 2012

App-centric New York Tech Companies Begin to Rival Silicon Valley
IBTimes, by Isha Soni, June 18, 2012

Job Opportunities for Youth? Report Points to Janitorial Services
MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Menglin Huang, June 12, 2012

In tech, N.Y. wants to be king of the hill, top of the heap
CNET, by Greg Sandoval, June 07, 2012

Facebook, Microsoft said shopping Manhattan space
Reuters, by Ilaina Jonas, June 07, 2012

Pratt Institute and Incubator Give Lift to Myrtle Avenue and Designers
MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Michelle Michalos, June 07, 2012

10 Best Job Opportunities For Disadvantaged Young New Yorkers: Report
Huffington Post, by Harry Bradford, June 06, 2012

Out of School And No Where to Work
New York Times, June 06, 2012

Empleos del futuro en NY
El Diario, June 04, 2012

Key Food in Windsor Terrace to shutter, leaving neighborhood without a supermarket
New York Daily News, by Alex Robinson and Erin Durkin, June 04, 2012

Tourists Drive Retail Surge in Manhattan
Wall Street Journal, by Amelia Harris, June 03, 2012

New Start-Up Incubator Brings Tech Scene to Harlem
CMNC, by Amara Omeokwe, June 01, 2012

Some Hope Amidst Gloomy Jobs Report
Forbes, by Dane Stangler, June 01, 2012

Report: Some NYC Job Sectors Are Actually Hiring
Gothamist, by Christopher Robbins, June 01, 2012

‘Hope’ for Jobless
Wall Street Journal, by Amelia Harris, May 31, 2012

Starter Jobs Available, Degree Not Required, Says Study
Epoch Times, by Amelia Pang, May 31, 2012

Report: NYC to See Spike in Low-Skill Jobs
Next American City, by Matt Vevilacqua, May 31, 2012

The New Way is Every Way
Reclaim, May 31, 2012

Opinion: Would-be mayors, deaf to business
New York Daily News, by Steve Spinola, May 29, 2012

New York is vying to become global high-tech hub
Associated Press, by Verena Dobnik, May 28, 2012

New York increasing in appeal to high-tech startups
SlashGear, by Rue Liu, May 28, 2012

For Tech Start-Ups, New York Has Increasing Allure
New York Times, by Joshua Brustein, May 27, 2012

Walk on the Wired Side: Office Spaces of the Tech Sector
MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Daniel T. Allen, May 23, 2012

Going With the Grain
New York Times, by Julie Lasky, May 23, 2012

Manhattan Tenants Pay Top Office Rents for Midtown South
Bloomberg, by David M. Levitt, May 21, 2012

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