
Recent Press

Many Workers Seen Lacking Skills for New Jobs
Wall Street Journal, by Joseph de Avila, March 15, 2011

City Plans Fewer, Shorter Street Fairs
WNYC, by Janaya Williams, March 14, 2011

City ramps up support for entrepreneurial immigrants
Crain's New York Business, by Benjamin J. Spencer, March 07, 2011

City Invites Groups to Help Immigrants Start Businesses
New York Times City Room Blog, by Sam Dolnick, March 03, 2011

Boro riders hobbled by inadequate buses: Study
Queens Times Ledger, by Philip Newman, March 03, 2011

Outer borough jobs up, but transit services lag
Queens Ledger, by Nathan Tempey, March 01, 2011

Outer Borough Bus Service Isn’t Keeping Up With Job Growth, Report Finds
WNYC, by Jim O'Grady, February 28, 2011

Fewer New Yorkers Commuting to Manhattan, Report Finds
The Epoch Times, by Tara MacIsaac, February 28, 2011

Report Says Improving Outer Borough Bus Service Is Key To NYC Job Growth
Transportation Nation, by Jim O'Grady, February 26, 2011

As Outerborough Job Roles Grow, Commutes Do Too
Sheepshead Bites, by Lara Mondrus, February 25, 2011

Who needs Manhattan?
Crain's New York Business, by Erik Engquist & Jeremy Smerd, February 25, 2011

Non-Manhattan Commuting
The Brian Lehrer Show, February 24, 2011

Report: MTA not responding to jobs trend
News 12, February 24, 2011

Study: More BX residents choosing to work in city’s outer boroughs
News12, February 24, 2011

Commuting getting longer between Boroughs
ABC Eyewitness News, by Michelle Charlesworth, February 24, 2011

Transit Service Isn’t Keeping Pace With Staten Island’s Needs, Report Finds
NY1, by Lisa McDivitt, February 24, 2011

Staten Island commuters have longest ride to work in city—report calls for desperately needed mas
Staten Island Advance, by Tom Wrobleski, February 24, 2011

Outer-boro commuter woes
New York Post, by Douglas Montero and Tom Namako, February 24, 2011

Commuter hell for NYC workers who need to travel to Queens, Bronx and Brooklyn for their jobs
New York Daily News, by Ben Chapmin and Erin Durkin, February 24, 2011

Report: Outer-borough jobs face trailing transit
Crain's New York Business, by Shane Dixon Kavanaugh, February 23, 2011

Staten Islanders still face longest mass-transit commute in city, according to study
Staten Island Advance, by Tom Wrobleski, February 23, 2011

To Stay Connected to Jobs, New Yorkers Need Better Bus Service
Streets Blog, by Noah Kazis, February 23, 2011

Is the city’s transit too Manhattan-centric?
2nd Ave. Sagas, by Benjamin Kabak, February 23, 2011

Is It Too Late To Change Our Manhattan-Centric Transportation?
Gothamist, by Jaya Saxena, February 23, 2011

More NYC Residents Commuting in Outer Boroughs than Ever
WFUV Radio, by Kate McGee, February 23, 2011

Manhattan loses jobs as outer boroughs grow: study
Reuters, by Joan Gralla, February 23, 2011

Report: Mass transit in outer boroughs is mediocre
amNY, by Theresa Juva, February 23, 2011

Dunkin Donuts dominates outer boroughs
FiOS 1, by Jessica Fragoso, February 14, 2011

Dunkin’ Donuts leads local retail expansion
Crain's New York Business, by Adrianne Pasquarelli, February 13, 2011

Ruminations on Duane Reade
The Brooklyn Rail, by Williams Cole, February 01, 2011

Latest City Incubator Opens in Flatiron Area
Wall, by Joseph de Avila, January 25, 2011

Pol: Give NY’ers a ‘fair’ warning
New York Post, by Sally Goldenberg, January 24, 2011

Chain Stores on the Rise
Brooklyn Independent Television, January 21, 2011

The Lost Generation: NYC losing young people to cheaper cities
amNY, by Sheila Anne Feeney, January 13, 2011

Walmart will wound New York neighborhoods: Business leader says keep megastore out of city
New York Daily News, by John Catsimatidis, January 12, 2011

Columbus Square Makes Room For Mom and Pop Amid Big-Box Stores
DNAinfo, by Leslie Albrecht, January 11, 2011

7-Eleven invades Manhattan; joins the party
Crain's New York Business, by Greg David, January 10, 2011

Frozen yogurt meltdown
Crain's New York Business, by Adrianne Pasquarelli, January 09, 2011

Cuomo promises jobs but does not mention immigrants
El Diario, January 06, 2011

Why Silicon Alley’s Spat With the City Is Actually Good News
The New York Observer, by Ben Popper, January 06, 2011

NY’s Tech Community and the NYCEDC - A Meeting of the Minds?
NYConvergence, January 06, 2011

New Business Incubator Launches at La Marqueta
DNAinfo, by Jeff Mays, January 04, 2011

Market seesaws toward wealthy buyers
The Real Deal, by Candace Taylor, January 01, 2011

Red Hook’s Zoning Battle: Housing versus Industry
The Brooklyn Ink, by Lea Khayata, December 29, 2010

Study: Brooklyn leads the ‘chain’ gang
The Brooklyn Paper, by Alex Rush, December 22, 2010

Dunkin’ Donuts Will Soon Outnumber Subway Stops in NYC
Gothamist, by Garth Johnston, December 22, 2010

Dunkin’ Donuts Tops Chain Store Survey
WNYC, by Ilya Marritz, December 21, 2010

Dunkin’ Donuts store count tops NYC list
The Real Deal, December 21, 2010

Staten Island trails the other boroughs in chain-store growth
Staten Island Advance, by Peter N. Spencer, December 21, 2010

Dunkin’ Donuts outruns other NYC chains
Crain's New York Business, by Daniel Massey, December 21, 2010

City Studies a New Science School
Wall Street Journal, by Joseph de Avila, December 17, 2010

To Attract the Next Google, the City Seeks a New College
New York Times City Room Blog, by Patrick McGeehan, December 16, 2010

EDC’s Seth Pinsky transforms the city in the face of global - and local - challenges
Real Estate Weekly, by Roland Li, December 15, 2010

Tech Central? It’s New York Metro
GlobeSt, by Paul Bubny, December 09, 2010

Incubate this!
Street Vendor Project, December 07, 2010

Economic Melting Pot
Tuscon Weekly, by Juliana Vasquez, December 02, 2010

Recession Could Provide Hidden Boost for the Arts
Gotham Gazette, by Nicole G. Anderson, November 23, 2010

NYC’s dilemma: keeping its artists
Crain's New York Business, by Greg David, November 21, 2010

Why taxes should be adjusted for geographic cost of living
Christian Science Monitor, by Shannon Biggs, November 19, 2010

Artists fleeing the city
Crain's New York Business, by Miriam Kreinin Souccar, November 14, 2010

Weiner cheers huge rise in small-business loans
New York Daily News, by Lisa L. Colangelo, November 09, 2010

A Small-Business Barometer in Astoria
The New York Times, by Fernanda Santos, November 08, 2010

Can New York ever produce a Google?
Crain's New York Business, by Judith Messina, November 07, 2010

Urban redevelopment faces economic realities
Crain's New York Business, by Daniel Massey, October 31, 2010

The New Harlem Renaissance
Crain's New York Business, by Daniel Massey, October 31, 2010

NYC artists can benefit from stagnant office market, study suggests
The Real Deal, October 29, 2010

In the Arts: Real-Estate Bust a Boon for Arts, Donors Fuel L.A. Museum Boom
Chronicle of Philanthropy, by Philanthropy Today Blog, October 29, 2010

Bust Can be Plus for Arts
Wall Street Journal, by Shelly Banjo, October 29, 2010

A Five Alarm Response
El Diario, October 26, 2010

Some may lose in Aqueduct game
Crain's New York Business, by Patrice Clark, October 24, 2010

Una alternativa para los inmigrantes
El Diario, by Gloria Medina, October 20, 2010

Urban Garden and Culinary Center Coming to East Harlem’s La Marqueta
DNAInfo, by Jeff Mays, October 19, 2010

S.I. green plan takes root at landfill
Crain's New York Business, by Katie Honan, October 17, 2010

Making Street Fairs More Than ‘Socks and Sausages’
Huffington Post, by Dan Garodnick, October 01, 2010

Higher education: Growth industry
Metro, by Amy Zimmer, September 26, 2010

Is Detroit the New New York? Ask Patti Smith
New York Observer, by Laura Kusisto, September 22, 2010

Saving the City’s Artists: It’s Up to You, New York, New York
New York Press, by Leslie Stonebraker, September 22, 2010

City fathers scramble to keep New York’s mini-Patti Smiths from choosing… Detroit?
Capital, by Katharine Jose, September 21, 2010

New Website To Help SMBs Compete For Contracts
InformationWeek, by Jake Widman, September 20, 2010

‘Supplier Connection’: a single portal for doing business with large corporations
SmartPlanet, by Joe McKendrick, September 17, 2010

Downturn Means Creative Approach to Tenancy
GlobeSt, by Paul Bubny, September 17, 2010

Big business pipeline for small business
Reuters - Entrepreneurial Blog, by Jon Cook, September 14, 2010

By Thinking Small, Manufacturers See Growth
Wall Street Journal, by Joseph de Avila, September 14, 2010

Corporations urged to give small businesses a hand
Crain's New York Business, by Daniel Massey, September 14, 2010

IBM, AT&T Create Website for Small Companies Seeking to Be Their Suppliers
Bloomberg, by Katie Hoffmann, September 14, 2010

Will East Harlem’s La Marqueta Rise Again?
Grub Street New York, by Justin Davidson, August 19, 2010

Deal to Put Slots at Aqueduct Paves Way for a New York City Casino
The New York Times, by Charles V. Bagli, August 12, 2010

Local Biz Booster
New York Daily News, by Leigh Remizowski, August 11, 2010

The truth about commercial rent control
Crain's New York Business, by Greg David, August 10, 2010

Spinning It Bloomberg Style
Huffington Post, by Lia Petridis Maiello, August 09, 2010

Group says state should ‘step back’ and dump plan for Aqueduct racino
New York Daily News, by Sam Levin, August 08, 2010

La Marqueta Mile Proposal Gains Momentum
NY1 News, by Rebecca Spitz, August 05, 2010

Giving Harlem its High Line
Metropolis, by Avinash Rajagopal, August 05, 2010

Squeezed on all sides
New York Daily News, by Jonathan Bowles, August 01, 2010

Mile-long under-line market backed for Harlem
Crain's New York Business, by James Comtois, July 30, 2010

‘High Line for Harlem’ Plan Gains Support
DNAinfo, by Yepoka Yeebo, July 29, 2010

Report calls for “A High Line for Harlem”
The Real Deal, July 29, 2010

Think Tank Wants Harlem High Line That Isn’t Actually a High Line
Curbed NY, July 28, 2010

Brian Lehrer Show Discusses An Aqueduct Alternative
WNYC, July 20, 2010

Quit betting on the nag: State must scratch dumb plan for slots at Aqueduct
New York Daily News, July 19, 2010

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