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Help artists revive NYC neighborhoods: Build up culture and housing at the same time

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2015

Help artists revive NYC neighborhoods: Build up culture and housing at the same time

In this Daily News op-ed, CUF Senior Researcher Adam Forman makes the case for integrating cultural planning with city planning to provide much needed affordable space for New York artists, designers and cultural organizations, and jobs for local residents — ensuring a more diverse creative sector.

by Adam Forman

Tags: economic growth economic opportunity arts creative

Mayor de Blasio’s ambitious housing agenda — starting with rezonings of East New York, Flushing West, the southern Bronx and other neighborhoods — offers a unique opportunity not only to make the city more affordable, but more vibrant and enriching. The secret is thinking about arts and culture, not just residential development and commerce.

In this Daily News op-ed, CUF Senior Researcher Adam Forman makes the case for integrating cultural planning with city planning to provide much needed affordable space for New York artists, designers and cultural organizations, and jobs for local residents — ensuring a more diverse creative sector.

Click here to read the op-ed.