2024 Gala
More than Manhattan

Data - July 2013

More than Manhattan

Manhattan remains the epicenter of New York City’s economy, but the other four boroughs now comprise roughly 40 percent of all private sector jobs in the city, their highest total ever. In 2012, Manhattan accounted for 60.50 percent of the city’s private sector jobs, down from 65.92 percent in 1982 and 63.08 percent as recently as 2000.

Tags: economic growth boroughs

Manhattan remains the epicenter of New York City’s economy, but the other four boroughs now comprise roughly 40 percent of all private sector jobs in the city, their highest total ever. In 2012, Manhattan accounted for 60.50 percent of the city’s private sector jobs, down from 65.92 percent in 1982 and 63.08 percent as recently as 2000.

Of all the boroughs, Brooklyn has experienced the biggest increase in its share of the city’s employment base since 2000. In 2012, Brooklyn accounted for 15.06 percent of all private sector jobs in the city, up from 13.35 percent in 2000. The Bronx also registered a notable jump, with its share rising from 6.19 percent in 2000 to 6.66 percent in 2012. Queens had a smaller increase (from 14.71 percent to 15.10 percent) while Staten Island’s portion was essentially unchanged (from 2.67 percent to 2.68 percent).

Between the economic boom from 2002 and 2008, Manhattan’s share of city jobs remained relatively steady – comprising between 61.07 percent and 61.59 percent of the citywide total. But between 2008 and 2009, the borough’s share dropped by more than a percentage point, going from 61.59 in 2008 to 60.53 in 2009. Manhattan’s share reached an historic low of 60.31 in 2010, and is up slightly since then.

According to the report, the shift reflects that fact that the four outer boroughs are all adding jobs at a much faster clip than Manhattan. Between 2000 and 2012, Manhattan had a net gain of 18,994 private sector jobs, a 1.0 percent increase. That was just a fraction of the 161,832 jobs created citywide during this time. In fact, every borough but Staten Island added more jobs than Manhattan during this period: Brooklyn had a net gain of 76,536 jobs (an 18.8 percent spike), followed by Queens (+36,402 jobs  – an 8.1 percent jump), the Bronx (+25,166 jobs, a 13.3 percent increase) and Staten Island (4,734 – a 5.8 percent increase).

This is not just a recent trend. Between 1982 and 2012, Manhattan experienced a net gain of 113,616 private sector jobs, a 6.6 percent increase. Every other borough had a larger percentage increase during this 30 year period. Staten Island was up by 79.2 percent (a net gain of 38,166 jobs), Brooklyn by 36.5 percent (+ 129,493 jobs), the Bronx by 32.9 percent (+53,094) and Queens by 26.8 percent (+102,620).


Each Borough’s Share of NYC Private Sector Jobs by Decade (1962 - 2012)
Year % Bronx % Brooklyn % Manhattan % Queens % Staten Island
1962 5.86% 15.96% 65.48% 11.89% 0.81%
1972* 6.51% 14.85% 63.96% 13.46% 1.21%
1982 5.79% 12.77% 65.92% 13.79% 1.73%
1992 6.40% 13.62% 62.58% 15.04% 2.36%
2002 6.55% 13.96% 61.59% 15.13% 2.78%
2012 6.66% 15.06% 60.50% 15.10% 2.68%




Each Borough’s Share of NYC Private Sector Jobs (1958 - 2012)
Year % Bronx % Brooklyn % Manhattan % Queens % Staten Island
1958 5.36% 15.65% 67.59% 10.66% 0.75%
1959 5.57% 15.97% 66.47% 11.20% 0.79%
1960 5.68% 15.96% 66.01% 11.56% 0.79%
1961 5.75% 15.85% 65.91% 11.69% 0.79%
1962 5.86% 15.96% 65.48% 11.89% 0.81%
1963 5.87% 15.90% 65.27% 12.12% 0.85%
1964 5.90% 15.72% 65.00% 12.53% 0.86%
1965 5.95% 15.73% 64.65% 12.79% 0.88%
1966 5.93% 15.73% 64.82% 12.62% 0.90%
1967 5.87% 15.22% 65.14% 12.87% 0.90%
1968 5.86% 14.91% 65.30% 13.00% 0.93%
1969 5.80% 14.51% 65.69% 13.04% 0.96%
1970* 5.79% 14.35% 65.53% 13.33% 0.99%
1971* 6.37% 14.62% 64.76% 13.10% 1.15%
1972* 6.51% 14.85% 63.96% 13.46% 1.21%
1973 6.56% 14.92% 63.44% 13.79% 1.28%
1974 6.53% 14.81% 63.35% 13.93% 1.38%
1975 6.47% 14.30% 63.86% 13.92% 1.44%
1976 6.33% 14.13% 64.11% 13.98% 1.45%
1977 6.22% 14.04% 64.28% 14.00% 1.46%
1978 6.06% 13.85% 64.61% 14.00% 1.49%
1979 5.91% 13.49% 65.18% 13.89% 1.52%
1980 5.83% 13.17% 65.77% 13.64% 1.60%
1981 5.77% 12.98% 65.98% 13.62% 1.65%
1982 5.79% 12.77% 65.92% 13.79% 1.73%
1983 5.75% 12.71% 65.84% 13.92% 1.78%
1984 5.74% 12.77% 65.60% 14.07% 1.82%
1985 5.90% 12.65% 65.28% 14.26% 1.90%
1986 6.01% 12.62% 65.09% 14.29% 1.99%
1987 5.93% 12.57% 65.26% 14.17% 2.07%
1988 6.00% 12.65% 64.76% 14.43% 2.15%
1989 6.03% 12.80% 64.28% 14.72% 2.17%
1990 6.11% 12.88% 63.99% 14.78% 2.24%
1991 6.27% 13.16% 63.31% 14.93% 2.32%
1992 6.40% 13.62% 62.58% 15.04% 2.36%
1993 6.51% 13.95% 62.14% 14.93% 2.46%
1994 6.52% 13.84% 62.16% 14.95% 2.52%
1995 6.54% 13.90% 61.93% 15.02% 2.60%
1996 6.48% 13.63% 62.26% 15.03% 2.61%
1997 6.38% 13.45% 62.56% 14.99% 2.63%
1998 6.26% 13.34% 62.67% 15.08% 2.65%
1999 6.26% 13.47% 62.49% 15.07% 2.70%
2000 6.19% 13.35% 63.08% 14.71% 2.67%
2001 6.33% 13.49% 62.59% 14.87% 2.72%
2002 6.55% 13.96% 61.59% 15.13% 2.78%
2003 6.62% 14.05% 61.31% 15.20% 2.81%
2004 6.65% 14.25% 61.07% 15.20% 2.82%
2005 6.73% 14.24% 61.13% 15.08% 2.81%
2006 6.62% 14.15% 61.47% 14.97% 2.80%
2007 6.43% 14.08% 61.78% 14.92% 2.79%
2008 6.50% 14.09% 61.59% 15.07% 2.76%
2009 6.85% 14.62% 60.53% 15.16% 2.83%
2010 6.89% 14.98% 60.31% 14.99% 2.83%
2011 6.79% 15.08% 60.47% 14.93% 2.72%
2012 6.66% 15.06% 60.50% 15.10% 2.68%



Each Borough’s Private Sector Job Totals (1958 - 2008)
Year NYC Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island
1958 2,814,041 150,744 440,323 1,901,919 299,903 21,152
1959 2,846,067 158,418 454,473 1,891,852 318,739 22,585
1960 2,888,627 164,096 460,897 1,906,901 333,792 22,941
1961 2,871,734 165,147 455,302 1,892,828 335,729 22,728
1962 2,887,468 169,147 460,830 1,890,848 343,264 23,379
1963 2,844,277 166,835 452,138 1,856,384 344,838 24,082
1964 2,855,877 168,406 448,837 1,856,237 357,824 24,573
1965 2,850,661 169,749 448,427 1,842,900 364,535 25,050
1966 2,886,953 171,162 454,020 1,871,269 364,380 26,122
1967 2,903,002 170,496 441,715 1,891,063 373,599 26,129
1968 2,932,650 171,731 437,339 1,914,883 381,361 27,336
1969 2,977,850 172,707 432,059 1,956,061 388,448 28,575
1970* 2,894,797 167,540 415,531 1,897,047 385,883 28,796
1971* 2,943,365 187,538 430,404 1,906,074 385,591 33,758
1972* 2,937,281 191,289 436,307 1,878,785 395,381 35,519
1973 2,905,866 190,594 433,553 1,843,532 400,864 37,323
1974 2,814,344 183,800 416,864 1,782,972 391,999 38,709
1975 2,665,690 172,505 381,254 1,702,341 371,160 38,430
1976 2,640,592 167,184 373,221 1,692,865 369,042 38,280
1977 2,631,795 163,620 369,383 1,691,799 368,495 38,498
1978 2,674,931 162,060 370,434 1,728,240 374,451 39,746
1979 2,717,742 160,696 366,532 1,771,534 377,551 41,429
1980 2,745,176 159,954 361,425 1,805,369 374,471 43,957
1981 2,802,831 161,845 363,777 1,849,225 381,701 46,282
1982 2,781,704 161,155 355,146 1,833,703 383,539 48,159
1983 2,793,220 160,668 354,984 1,839,123 388,687 49,758
1984 2,856,889 163,894 364,896 1,874,190 401,887 52,022
1985 2,885,997 170,413 365,183 1,883,982 411,658 54,761
1986 2,919,156 175,541 368,385 1,899,964 417,268 57,998
1987 2,956,819 175,216 371,595 1,929,554 419,103 61,351
1988 2,953,132 177,309 373,649 1,912,341 426,269 63,563
1989 2,950,712 178,004 377,606 1,896,753 434,361 63,988
1990 2,902,948 177,462 373,830 1,857,702 428,987 64,968
1991 2,738,940 171,742 360,486 1,734,141 409,033 63,538
1992 2,658,222 170,208 361,968 1,663,512 399,797 62,736
1993 2,659,884 173,236 371,123 1,652,975 397,244 65,307
1994 2,695,629 175,673 373,105 1,675,735 403,111 68,005
1995 2,721,707 178,080 378,410 1,685,655 408,762 70,801
1996 2,768,844 179,454 377,410 1,723,754 416,080 72,147
1997 2,826,928 180,308 380,239 1,768,491 423,658 74,232
1998 2,897,776 181,395 386,449 1,816,101 437,086 76,745
1999 2,965,496 185,772 399,448 1,853,041 447,048 80,187
2000 3,056,859 189,083 408,103 1,928,325 449,757 81,591
2001 3,015,780 190,814 406,909 1,887,580 448,596 81,881
2002 2,907,686 190,334 405,868 1,790,723 439,855 80,905
2003 2,878,033 190,598 404,478 1,764,430 437,512 81,016
2004 2,896,368 192,639 412,817 1,768,849 440,341 81,722
2005 2,947,476 198,432 419,773 1,801,933 444,376 82,962
2006 3,009,902 199,274 425,946 1,850,047 450,503 84,132
2007 3,093,315 198,945 435,412 1,911,098 461,657 86,203
2008 3,123,467 202,880 440,022 1,923,787 470,641 86,138
2009 3,015,878 206,604 440,868 1,825,655 457,281 85,470
2010 3,042,794 209,540 455,702 1,835,231 456,065 86,256
2011 3,130,366 212,645 472,203 1,892,862 467,481 85,175
2012 3,218,691 214,249 484,639 1,947,319 486,159 86,325




Source: NYS Department of Labor, Insured Employment, 1958-2012.
*Note: Coverage changes for Non-profits added large numbers of workers to the insured employment data between 1970 and 1972.