2024 Gala

impact - July 2024

CUF Influences New York City’s FY2025 Budget

New York City adopted its FY2025 budget, which includes includes several restorations and investments inspired by the Center for an Urban Future’s recent research and recommendations, including restoration of CUNY's budget and funding for key opportunity programs, establishing a human services-focused fellowship, restoring funding for adult literacy programs, including ESOL, and bolstering the capacity of CDFIs.


Event - June 2024

What’s Next for Economic Mobility in NYC?

On July 17th, the Center for an Urban Future will hold our first annual NYC Economic Opportunity Summit, focused on generating concrete ideas—policies, initiatives, and strategies that city and state officials can implement to expand economic mobility in New York City.


impact - June 2024

CUF report inspires City Council hearing on improving outcomes for CUNY transfer students

A recent CUF report on improving outcomes for CUNY’s transfer students directly inspired a City Council hearing held by the Committee on Higher Education. CUF Editorial and Policy Director Eli Dvorkin provided lead testimony, recommending new and baseline investments in CUNY’s transfer student initiatives.


Data - June 2024

Expanding Access to Advertising Careers in NYC

To make progress toward a more equitable economy in New York, it will be crucial to expand access to careers in several growing middle- and high-wage industries that employ alarmingly few New Yorkers of color. Advertising is one sector where progress is both needed and possible.


Testimony - June 2024

Preparing Asylum Seekers and Migrants for the Workforce

In this testimony before the NYC Council Committees on Immigration and Small Business, CUF Senior Editor Dori Block details that more is needed to help build the capacity of the city’s immigrant-serving organizations and support more of the newest New Yorkers, including investing in adult literacy programs and easing restrictions on workforce training programs so they can work with more migrants.


Testimony - June 2024

How NYC Policymakers Can Boost Transfer Student Success at CUNY

In this testimony before the NYC Council Committee on Higher Education, CUF Editorial & Policy Director Eli Dvorkin argues that most CUNY students who intend to transfer from a community to a four-year college and complete a bachelor’s won’t reach that finish line. He recommends new and baseline investments in CUNY's transfer student initiatives to boost college completion rates.


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