Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2004
Safety ‘NetNew York City is increasingly wired to help poor residents access city services and search for jobs online--but the gap between potential and practice could comprise a second Digital Divide.
Testimony - December 2003
NYC Continues to Lose Market Share in Fast-Growing Air Cargo SectorCUF research director Jonathan Bowles testifies to City Council that while the national air cargo sector is growing, New York continues to slide from its once-dominant position.
Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2003
Dressed to SkillAt last, New York City shows signs of understanding that workforce development contributes to economic development. That's why the city's newest workforce authority is well suited to its job.
Report - December 2003
Seeking a Workforce SystemThis first of its kind study, co-created by the Center and the New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals, tracks $1.3 billion spent in New York on workforce programs--and finds significant fragmentation.
Testimony - November 2003
City Zoning Decisions Further Harm NYC ManufacturersCUF Research Director Jonathan Bowles addresses City Council on recent city zoning decisions and the impact on city businesses.
Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2003
Twilight ZoningThe city says the new landscape of historically industrial areas of Williamsburg will be "mixed use." But high-priced housing won't just sound the death knell for existing industry--it will weaken New York's economy, too.
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