
Report - June 2005

Workforce Intermediaries: Powering Regional Economies in the New Century

CUF Project Director David Jason Fischer assesses lessons learned from three key workforce intermediaries funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This report discusses the importance of the intermediary approach and the qualities of organizations that can best serve in this role.


Report - June 2005

The Road to Good Employment Retention

In this report for the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Center examines three projects from the Casey-sponsored Jobs Initiative that have managed to place and retain high numbers of low-skilled individuals.


Report - June 2005

Beyond the Olympics

This report shows that even while the redevelopment of Manhattan's West Side has dominated Mayor Bloomberg's agenda, the Bloomberg administration has implemented a far-reaching and vastly improved economic development strategy.


Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2005

Q&A with Neil Pariser: Can the South Bronx be a New Beacon of Growth?

In the fifth in our ongoing series of conversations with leading NYC economic development experts, CUF research director Jonathan Bowles interviews Neil Pariser, Senior Vice President of the South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (SoBRO) about a flurry of development projects on tap in the Bronx.


Event - April 2005

The Boroughs as an Engine for NYC’s Future Economic Growth

This Center for an Urban Future forum, held on April 6, explored the potential for economic growth in New York City's outer boroughs and how decision makers in the private and public sectors could help tap into this potential.


Event - March 2005

Tapping the Economic Vitality of NYC Neighborhoods

The full transcript from the Center's March 17, 2005 forum on how to invigorate neighborhood economies across New York City. Panelists included Comptroller William Thompson, Etu Evans, Lisa Fortunato, Nigel Pearce, and Brian Singer.


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