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Video - Branches To Recovery: Tapping The Power Of NYC’s Public Libraries

Report - December 2021

Video - Branches To Recovery: Tapping The Power Of NYC’s Public Libraries

To make progress toward a more equitable city, NYC has an incomparable asset in nearly every neighborhood: its 217 public branch libraries. Check out CUF's new report video that explains why.

Center for an Urban Future

Tags: economic opportunity economic growth boroughs libraries

Libraries are already among the city’s largest and most trusted providers of programs and services aligned with New Yorkers’ greatest needs. With a clear citywide strategy and a new level of investment, their impact could be even greater.

Check out the full report, Branches to Recovery: Tapping the Power of New York’s Public Libraries to Ensure an Inclusive Recovery and Rebuild a More Equitable City.

For alt-text, watch this video on CUF's YouTube channel.

This study was made possible by the Charles H. Revson Foundation. 

Video Credits
Production: CRFT Video