2024 Gala


CUF Influences New York City’s FY2025 Budget

Impact - July 2024

CUF Influences New York City’s FY2025 Budget

New York City adopted its FY2025 budget, which includes includes several restorations and investments inspired by the Center for an Urban Future’s recent research and recommendations, including restoration of CUNY's budget and funding for key opportunity programs, establishing a human services-focused fellowship, restoring funding for adult literacy programs, including ESOL, and bolstering the capacity of CDFIs.

State Increases Investment in CDFIs, Echoing CUF's Recommendation

Impact - February 2022

State Increases Investment in CDFIs, Echoing CUF's Recommendation

New York State will allocate $150 million to CDFIs to boost immigrant- and minority-owned businesses, reflecting a key recommendation from CUF's December 2021 report, No Small Relief: Strengthening NYC’s Most Vulnerable Small Businesses.