2024 Gala

new york state

CUF report inspires major new state investment in the arts

Impact - April 2024

CUF report inspires major new state investment in the arts

New York State's FY 2025 budget includes a $40 million increase in grantmaking funds for the New York State Council on the Arts and implementation of three new arts-and-culture programs. CUF's report on the creative economy in upstate New York put forward the very same proposals.

Library Funding is Behind the Times

Data - April 2015

Library Funding is Behind the Times

Though visits, book circulation and program attendance are on the rise, New York City’s public libraries are open fewer hours than the state’s largest counties and trail behind cities throughout the nation.

NYC's Share of Private Sector Jobs

Data - March 2015

NYC's Share of Private Sector Jobs

Though jobs have grown in nearly every region of the state over the last decade, New York City’s share of the state’s private sector jobs has skyrocketed – growing from 43.0 percent in 2004 to 46.5 percent in 2014.