2024 Gala

Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2017

Op-Ed: Time to Let New York Dance

New York City's vibrant DIY music venues are creating opportunities for emerging artists and new voices, offering a first show, a supportive crowd, and a sense of community. However, archaic laws and a punitive bureaucratic mindset are stifling these small, local spaces that are already struggling to cope with skyrocketing rents.


Testimony - April 2017

The Trump Travel Ban and New York’s Economy

In this testimony before the New York City Council Committee on Economic Development, CUF's policy director, Matt Chaban, presents data from the Center's decades-long work documenting immigrants central role in New York's economy, and how the White House's travel ban and other policies might undermine this bedrock of the city.


Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2017

Preparing NYC for the Next Wave of Automation

Emerging technologies have the potential to displace workers in range of New York City industries, from accountants and x-ray technicians to paralegals and taxi drivers. Although many of these changes are still years away, a recent Center for an Urban Future policy symposium discussed the steps that policymakers, business executives, and educational leaders in New York should be taking now to prepare for the oncoming wave of automation.


Report - April 2017

Slow Build

This report finds significant problems with NYC’s process for managing capital construction projects for libraries and cultural institutions, with the median capital project taking more than four years and costing roughly twice as much as a new office building. The study, a collaboration between CUF and the Citizens Budget Commission, puts forth recommendations for creating a more cost-efficient capital construction process for libraries, cultural groups and other nonprofit organizations.


Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2017

From Free College to Student Loan Debt

A provision in Governor Cuomo's budget agreement converts free college grants under the free college tuition program into loans that must be repaid if the graduate lives or works outside New York. It should be stripped out before the bill is signed.


Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2017

Measuring what Matters in Worker Training and Education

A bill before the New York State Legislature seeks to create three regional clearinghouses for labor market data. These research centers would help colleges and workforce development programs across the state harness data to make their programs more effective. With belt-tightening on the menu in Washington, creating these clearinghouses is vital to ensure that New York State’s limited human capital dollars go as far as possible.


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