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Op-Ed: Next Step for Mayor’s Inequality Agenda: Tackle NYC’s College Success Problem

Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2017

Op-Ed: Next Step for Mayor’s Inequality Agenda: Tackle NYC’s College Success Problem

If Mayor de Blasio is serious about making headway on his signature issue of reducing inequality, his administration should now turn its attention to boosting the rate at which New Yorkers earn a college credential.

by Jonathan Bowles & Tom Hilliard

Tags: higher education community colleges low income cuny suny albany

In his first term, Mayor de Blasio took important steps to reduce inequality with bold policies such as universal pre-K and computer science for all. But if the mayor is serious about making headway on his signature issue, his administration should now turn its attention to another important educational reform: boosting the rate at which New Yorkers earn a college credential.

In this New York Daily News op-ed, CUF Executive Director Jonathan Bowles and Senior Fellow for Economic Opportunity Tom Hilliard assert that as Mayor de Blasio embarks on his second term, he has a vital opportunity to tackle New York City's college success problem. 

Read the op-ed here.

This op-ed is a continuation of the Center for an Urban Future's extensive research on higher education in New York, including the groundbreaking study Degrees of Difficulty: Boosting College Success in New York City.   

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