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Testimony - June 2012

Keeping Up with the Boroughs

The New York City Council held a hearing that was prompted by the Center for an Urban Future's 2011 "Behind the Curb" report, which documented that New York City's public transit service has not kept pace with recent job growth and transit ridership gains in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. The Center commended the Council's Transportation Committee for convening the hearing, which is titled "Keeping Up with the Boroughs—Addressing Public Transit Needs Outside Manhattan."


impact - June 2012

CUF Report Leads to NYC Council Hearing About Transit Gaps Outside of Manhattan

On Tuesday, the New York City Council’s Transportation Committee held a hearing titled “Keeping Up with the Boroughs—Addressing Public Transit Needs Outside Manhattan,” that was prompted by the Center’s 2011 Behind the Curb report.


impact - June 2012

CUF Influences City’s New Broadband Plan

Last month, the Center published New Tech City, a report which documented the spectacular rise of New York City's tech sector over the past few years but highlighted a handful of challenges that could inhibit the continued growth of this part of the city's economy. The report cited inadequate broadband connectivity as the second biggest threat facing New York’s tech sector. Yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn unveiled a package of proposals to expand broadband connectivity in New York as a way of bolstering the city’s tech sector.


Data - May 2012

Data from New Tech City

Selected charts and graphs from the Center for an Urban Future's major May 2012 report on NYC's tech sector. The report found that, riding a wave of start-ups, New York has emerged as a national leader in fields that leverage the Internet and mobile technologies—a development that has provided a key economic boost and left the city well positioned for future tech growth.


Report - May 2012

Now Hiring

While young adults without a college degree are among those who are having the hardest time finding decent paying jobs today, this report provides a ray of hope. It identifies more than two dozen occupations in New York City that are expected to have ample job openings in the years ahead which pay decent salaries and which are accessible to young adults with low levels of educational attainment.


Report - May 2012

New Tech City

Riding a wave of start-ups, New York has emerged as a national leader in fields that leverage the Internet and mobile technologies—a development that has provided a key economic boost and left the city well positioned for future tech growth


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