Report - June 2013
Completion DayCommunity colleges are a critical resource for a growing number of New Yorkers and a key component of the state's economic competitiveness. But they are taken for granted by policymakers and continue to face enormous challenges in graduating students.
Data - June 2013
Data from Completion DaySelected charts and graphs from the Center for an Urban Future's 2013 report Completion Day. The report found that community colleges are a critical resource for a growing number of New Yorkers and a key component of the state's economic competitiveness but are taken for granted by policymakers and continue to face enormous challenges in graduating students.
impact - May 2013
CEO Adopts CUF Recommendation to Expand EITC for Childless Low-Income WorkersIn August 2011, the Center published The No Child Penalty which recommended expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit to low-income workers without children. We are pleased to report that this recommendation is being implemented by the city.
Data - May 2013
Seeding NYC’s Startup SuccessOver the past decade, the NYC region’s share of all venture capital deals in the U.S. more than doubled, from 5.3 percent to 11.4 percent. During the same period, New England’s share fell from 14.8 percent to 10.2 percent and Silicon Valley’s rose slightly, from 28.6 percent to 31.7 percent.
Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2013
8 Ways to Grow New York’s Design SectorLaunching a citywide design festival is a big first step, but there is more the city can do to harness New York’s competitive advantage in design.
Report - April 2013
Launching Low-Income EntrepreneursWith middle-income jobs in decline, entrepreneurship offers an increasingly promising pathway out of poverty; but few low-income New Yorkers are currently taking this route to economic self-sufficiency.