Data - July 2013
Data from The New Face of New York’s SeniorsSelected charts and tables from the Center for an Urban Future's 2013 report The New Face of New York's Seniors. The report found that New Yorkers are getting older and almost half of the city’s older adults are immigrants; but while the city has taken initial steps to plan for this rapidly diversifying population, not nearly enough attention has been paid to this particularly vulnerable subset of the city’s seniors.
impact - July 2013
Comptroller Candidate Runs with Key Idea from CUF’s Innovation and the City ReportIn July 2013, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer unveiled a new policy proposal that came straight from CUF and NYU Wagner's Innovation and the City report which profiled 15 of the best policy innovations from other cities that have the potential to be replicated in New York.
impact - July 2013
CUF Influences MTA’s Needs Assessment for NYC Transit SystemIn July 2013, the MTA published a forward-looking needs assessment for New York City’s transit system that was greatly influenced by the Center's Behind the Curb study.
Commentary/Op-Ed - July 2013
Building the American WorkforceEmployers need more workers with middle skills qualifications, but the supply of applicants with more than a high school diploma and less than a bachelor’s degree doesn't match the demand. In a Council on Foreign Relations report, CUF senior fellow Tom Hilliard argues that policymakers can narrow this gap by overhauling the national workforce development system.
Data - July 2013
More than ManhattanManhattan remains the epicenter of New York City’s economy, but the other four boroughs now comprise roughly 40 percent of all private sector jobs in the city, their highest total ever. In 2012, Manhattan accounted for 60.50 percent of the city’s private sector jobs, down from 65.92 percent in 1982 and 63.08 percent as recently as 2000.
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2013
Op-ed: New York would benefit by raising graduation ratesIn June 2013, The Buffalo News published an op-ed by our senior fellow Tom Hilliard about the need to increase community college graduation rates in New York.