
Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2003

The outrage over New York City’s storefront awning ticket blitz is justified—but so are the limits

The outrage over New York City's storefront awning ticket blitz is justified--but so are the limits on signage.


Testimony - June 2003

Testimony Supporting the Creation of a CUNY School of Professional Studies

Center director Neil Kleiman speaks to the CUNY Board of Trustees about the proposal to create a school of professional studies at CUNY


Testimony - June 2003

Transferring Workforce Programs to the Department of Small Business Services

CUF Project Director David Fischer speaks to the General Welfare Committee of the City Council on the Bloomberg Administration's move to shift job training responsibility to the Department of Small Business Services.


Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2003

Working Assets

Government should help employers hang on to their workers during tough times--it’s certainly cheaper than unemployment checks.


Testimony - May 2003

Should New York City Consider Separation From the State of New York?

CUF Research Director Jonathan Bowles addressed City Council on how New York City has been mistreated by Albany--and whether the city should ponder secession from New York state.


Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2003

Call for Backup

If the city's serious about making downtown thrive, a small investment in wireless technology will pay huge dividends.


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