Testimony - April 2003
Anti-NYC Bias Dooms State’s Biotech StrategyTestimony of Jonathan Bowles Before State Assembly Legislative Commission on Science and Technology
Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2003
City’s Jobless Need All the Help They Can GetThis op-ed on New York City workforce policy appeared in Newsday on April 30, 2003.
Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2003
Sick TransitNew York can't afford not to build a 21st-century public transportation system.
Event - March 2003
Rezoning New York’s Industrial WaterfrontsCUF Research Director Jonathan Bowles moderated this panel discussion on rezoning the city's industrial waterfronts, co-sponsored by the Center for New York City Affairs at New School University.
Report - March 2003
Labor GainsThough little heeded by the public and press, union-affiliated training is transforming New York's workforce landscape. In this new report, the Center offers the first comprehensive look at labor's substantial, and successful, training efforts.
Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2003
Learning from LaborUnions operate a number of New York City's most successful job training programs. But the publicly run workforce system has met these labor successes with indifference, or worse.
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