2024 Gala
Building New York City’s Innovation Economy

Report - September 2009

Building New York City’s Innovation Economy

This report finds that New York City's leading universities and scientific research centers have not become catalysts for entrepreneurship and local economic development the way similar institutions have in other regions. It argues that this is a huge missed opportunity for New York, given the need to diversify the economy and create new engines of job growth. The study details why New York is falling short, showing that university leaders have not done enough to support start-up ventures.

The report is accompanied by the city's first-ever "Innovation Index," a package of 49 charts and graphs that show where New York stands compared to other cities and regions on a broad range of indicators measuring both existing science and technology assets and the city's level of success at commercializing these assets.

by Jim O'Grady and Jonathan Bowles

Tags: economic growth innovation economy higher education entrepreneurship