Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2004
Unforced ErrorThe absence of any meaningful effort to promote the Flushing section of Queens to the millions of tennis and baseball fans who visit every year represents a missed opportunity to give the neighborhood an economic boost.
Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2004
The Big Idea: Black Male Unemployment in NYC, 2004From the latest issue of City Limits magazine, CUF project director David Fischer argues that New York must mobilize a crisis response or risk the current high rate of black male unemployment becoming chronic.
Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2004
Ditching ClassHalf of all New York City schoolteachers leave the classroom within five years--presenting a huge obstacle to Mayor Bloomberg's ambitious school reform agenda.
Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2004
Safety ‘NetNew York City is increasingly wired to help poor residents access city services and search for jobs online--but the gap between potential and practice could comprise a second Digital Divide.
Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2003
Dressed to SkillAt last, New York City shows signs of understanding that workforce development contributes to economic development. That's why the city's newest workforce authority is well suited to its job.
Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2003
Twilight ZoningThe city says the new landscape of historically industrial areas of Williamsburg will be "mixed use." But high-priced housing won't just sound the death knell for existing industry--it will weaken New York's economy, too.
Commentary/Op-Ed - October 2003
Model CitiesData shows New Yorks economic pulse has been flatlining for years. What urban wonks can learn from unlikely recovery zones in Los Angeles and Houston.
Commentary/Op-Ed - September 2003
City Faces Severe Challenges to Economic GrowthThis editorial based on the author's recent report Engine Failure, co-written with Joel Kotkin, originally appeared in Newsday on September 19, 2003.
Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2003
The outrage over New York City’s storefront awning ticket blitz is justified—but so are the limitsThe outrage over New York City's storefront awning ticket blitz is justified--but so are the limits on signage.
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2003
Working AssetsGovernment should help employers hang on to their workers during tough times--its certainly cheaper than unemployment checks.
Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2003
Call for BackupIf the city's serious about making downtown thrive, a small investment in wireless technology will pay huge dividends.
Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2003
NYCs Six Closest Suburbs Gained 39,000 Jobs Over the Past Year While the City Lost 58,000 JobsThe Center for an Urban Future charges that Pataki and Bruno's opposition to commuter tax is pure politics and shows blatant disregard for NYCs fiscal problems and post-9/11 needs.
Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2003
City’s Jobless Need All the Help They Can GetThis op-ed on New York City workforce policy appeared in Newsday on April 30, 2003.
Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2003
Sick TransitNew York can't afford not to build a 21st-century public transportation system.
Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2003
Learning from LaborUnions operate a number of New York City's most successful job training programs. But the publicly run workforce system has met these labor successes with indifference, or worse.
Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2003
Latest Employment Figures Make A Strong Case For New York City Receiving Special Aid From Albany AndCUF reveals that NYC accounted for 97 percent of the state's job losses and 18 percent of the national job losses over the past year.
Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2003
Slow Down on Far West MidtownWith virtually no public discussion, the plan for Far West Midtown is going full speed ahead.
Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2003
Do Something For New York City, George!In this press release on the eve of the governor's budget proposal, the Center offers new data to support reinstating the commuter tax--a move Governor Pataki has yet to endorse.
Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2002
Succeeding With SectorsHow the Bloomberg administration can move sector-based economic development from the conference room to the real world.
Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2002
Spare Some Change?A fiscal crisis is a good time to figure out how the city can better coordinate the fight against poverty--without spending an extra penny.