
Testimony - February 2007

In Working Order

At a City Council hearing on the state of NYC's workforce development system, CUF Project Director David Fischer testified that the Bloomberg administration has made great strides but needs more resources and a broader vision.

Testimony - September 2006

From Disconnected to Career-Directed

At the NYC Workforce Investment Board meeting on Sept. 13, CUF Project Director David Fischer made this presentation on aging worker replacement and career opportunities for disconnected youth in several vital sectors of the city's economy.

Testimony - June 2006

A New Workforce for New York: How the City Can Replace Thousands of Retiring Baby Boomers

At a City Council hearing prompted by the Center's May 2006 report, "Chance of a Lifetime," project director David Jason Fischer testified about what the city must do to prepare at-risk young New Yorkers for the world of work, and the value of a youth-focused workforce intermediary to rationalize and coordinate these efforts.

Testimony - April 2006

Immigrant Entrepreneurs’ Role in the Growth of Staten Island’s Economy

CUF director Jonathan Bowles argues that immigrant entrepreneurs could be a significant catalyst for economic growth on Staten Island in this speech, which he delivered on April 25 at the Staten Island Conference, sponsored by SIEDC.

Testimony - April 2006

The Limits of WIA

In testimony before a New York City Council hearing on April 11, CUF project director David Jason Fischer articulated how the severely limited funding and onerous legislative restrictions of the federal Workforce Investment Act have impaired efforts to serve New York City employers and jobseekers.

Testimony - April 2006

Beyond the Construction Commission

CUF Project Director David Jason Fischer testified at an April 4 City Council hearing on the work of the Mayor's Commission on Construction Opportunity, citing the Commission as a model for attaching young New Yorkers to career-track jobs in other key city industries.

Testimony - December 2005

New York State’s Welfare-to-Work Programs

In this written testimony submitted for a Dec. 15 hearing of the New York State Assembly's Social Services Committee, CUF Project Director David Fischer assesses an important recent shift in state welfare-to-work programs.

Testimony - October 2005

A Workforce Vision for Continuing Education

CUF project director David Fischer recently spoke to the Continuing Education Association of New York about the increasing convergence of continuing ed programs within colleges and universities, and publicly funded and run workforce development systems.

Testimony - September 2005

Poverty in New York City, 2005

CUF Project Director David Fischer testified at a Nov. 15 City Council hearing on the rising poverty rate in New York, focusing on the city's increasing "working poor problem."

Testimony - June 2005

Testimony: Giving Small Firms the Business

In this testimony before the City Council, CUF research director Jonathan Bowles argues that the proposal to redevelop the Bronx Terminal market is one of many city-sponsored projects in which a significant number of small businesses are being displaced.

Testimony - January 2005

Is There a Broadband Gap for Businesses in Brooklyn?

CUF Research Director Jonathan Bowles recently testified to the New York City Council Committee on Technology about the difficulties Brooklyn businesses face in securing reliable broadband internet access.

Testimony - September 2004

Workforce Reorganization, One Year Later

CUF project director David Fischer recently spoke to the New York City Council's committee on economic development about the progress of the NYC Department of Small Business Services on workforce development issues.

Testimony - May 2004

Testimony: New York’s Broadband Gap

At a recent City Council hearing, CUF research director Jonathan Bowles testified that while broadband is becoming crucial for small businesses in every sector, many firms outside of Manhattan have difficulty accessing a reliable and affordable high-speed connection.

Testimony - April 2004

Testimony to the Joint City Council Hearing on African-American Unemployment in New York City

On April 22, CUF project director David Fischer addressed a joint hearing of City Council's General Welfare, Economic Development and Community Development committees on a recent report showing that black male unemployment in New York has reached crisis levels.

Testimony - December 2003

NYC Continues to Lose Market Share in Fast-Growing Air Cargo Sector

CUF research director Jonathan Bowles testifies to City Council that while the national air cargo sector is growing, New York continues to slide from its once-dominant position.

Testimony - November 2003

City Zoning Decisions Further Harm NYC Manufacturers

CUF Research Director Jonathan Bowles addresses City Council on recent city zoning decisions and the impact on city businesses.

Testimony - September 2003

Workforce System in Transition

CUF project director David Jason Fischer addressed a joint hearing of the Youth and Economic Development Committees of City Council on Monday, Sept. 15.

Testimony - June 2003

Testimony Supporting the Creation of a CUNY School of Professional Studies

Center director Neil Kleiman speaks to the CUNY Board of Trustees about the proposal to create a school of professional studies at CUNY

Testimony - June 2003

Transferring Workforce Programs to the Department of Small Business Services

CUF Project Director David Fischer speaks to the General Welfare Committee of the City Council on the Bloomberg Administration's move to shift job training responsibility to the Department of Small Business Services.

Testimony - May 2003

Should New York City Consider Separation From the State of New York?

CUF Research Director Jonathan Bowles addressed City Council on how New York City has been mistreated by Albany--and whether the city should ponder secession from New York state.

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