Data - January 2013
Data from Branches of OpportunitySelected charts and graphs from the Center for an Urban Future's major January 2013 report on NYC's public libraries. The report found that public libraries are serving more people in more ways than ever before, and have become an increasingly critical part of the city’s human capital system; but they have been undervalued by policymakers and face growing threats in today’s digital age.
Data - May 2012
Data from New Tech CitySelected charts and graphs from the Center for an Urban Future's major May 2012 report on NYC's tech sector. The report found that, riding a wave of start-ups, New York has emerged as a national leader in fields that leverage the Internet and mobile technologies—a development that has provided a key economic boost and left the city well positioned for future tech growth.
Impact - May 2011
Bring Stanford to NYC?Mayor Bloomberg recently announced that the city had received 18 responses to its Request for Expressions of Interest seeking academic institutions to develop an applied science and engineering research campus in New York City, with proposals coming from Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon and many other institutions from around the world. The city's idea for attracting a new engineering campus was greatly influenced by our 2009 Building New York City's Innovation Economy report.
Impact - March 2011
Mayor runs with CUF recommendations to support immigrant entrepreneursToday, the Mayor announced three new steps to make it easier for immigrant-owned businesses to start and grow in New York City. All three mayoral initiatives were heavily influenced by the Center.
Impact - January 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Advances CUF Policy Proposals in State of City Speech: Immigrant EntrepreneursCUF has been the city's leading voice in highlighting the catalytic impact of immigrant entrepreneurs and arguing that targeted support from local economic development officials could help more immigrants succeed in starting and growing businesses here.Yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg announced a set of initiatives to support immigrant entrepreneurs.
Impact - January 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Advances CUF Policy Proposals in State of City Speech: Innovation EconomySeveral of the economic development initiatives outlined by the mayor focused on growing the innovation economy, including the Center's longstanding recommendation to bolster the city's engineering presence.
Impact - January 2011
CUF report leads to new kitchen incubator in East HarlemIn 2008, the Center published a policy brief which urged city economic development officials to support the creation of additional kitchen incubators in the five boroughs. We are gratified that city policymakers ran with the ideas in our piece.
Impact - December 2010
CUF influences new Bloomberg administration initiativeIn a major speech yesterday, Deputy Mayor Bob Steel announced a new city initiative to help the city grow its technology sector that was influenced by the Center's innovation economy research.
Impact - July 2010
Mayor Bloomberg takes a page from CUF in arguing economic value of immigrantsIn late June, Mayor Bloomberg launched a national campaign to advocate for an overhaul of the nation's immigration policy, basing his case on an argument made repeatedly by the Center for an Urban Future during the past few years: immigrants provide a vital economic boost to cities.
Impact - July 2010
CUF report about NYC's Innovation Economy Influences Major Policy Announcement by NYUTwo weeks ago, NYU announced the formation of a new $20 million dollar venture fund to accelerate the transformation of ideas and discoveries by its students, faculty and researchers into start-up companies. We applaud the move, which directly reflects recommendations we made in our September 2009 report, Building New York City's Innovation Economy.