Impact - April 2016
CUF Report Shapes City’s Approach to Women EntrepreneursCUF's Breaking Through report on women entrepreneurs in New York City is influencing policymakers, leading to a City Council hearing in April 2016.
Impact - March 2016
CUF Report Spurs New Initiative for Low-Income Entrepreneurs in RochesterCUF's 2013 Launching Low-Income Entrepreneurs report is helping policymakers in Rochester to harness low-tech entrepreneurship as a pathway out of poverty for city residents.
Data - March 2016
Women-Owned Businesses in the Nation’s 25 Largest CitiesThis index provides data on women-owned businesses in each of the nation’s 25 largest cities, including the overall number of women-owned firms, the growth rate for women-owned businesses and male-owned businesses, and average revenues per women-owned business.
Data - August 2015
NYC's Tech ProfileThis analysis offers a fresh look at New York City’s tech sector. Using the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s new definition of tech industries, our analysis documents employment growth by borough and subsector and offers a demographic profile by age, sex and race/ethnicity.
Impact - April 2015
CUF Report Spurs City Programs to Support Low Income EntrepreneursOur work has sparked new city policies to train and launch low-income entrepreneurs in New York City's underserved communities.
Impact - February 2014
Mayor de Blasio Adopts CUF Recommendation to Expand Low-Income EntrepreneurshipOur April 2013 Launching Low-Income Entrepreneurs study recommended that the city expand low-income entrepreneurship in New York City and provide an alternative pathway to the middle class for low-income New Yorkers. In his first State of the City speech, Mayor de Blasio announced plans to do just that.
Data - May 2013
Seeding NYC's Startup SuccessOver the past decade, the NYC region’s share of all venture capital deals in the U.S. more than doubled, from 5.3 percent to 11.4 percent. During the same period, New England’s share fell from 14.8 percent to 10.2 percent and Silicon Valley’s rose slightly, from 28.6 percent to 31.7 percent.
Data - April 2013
Data from Launching Low-Income EntrepreneursSelected charts and graphs from the Center for an Urban Future's major April 2013 report on low-income entrepreneurs. The report found that with middle-income jobs in decline, entrepreneurship offers an increasingly promising pathway out of poverty; but few low-income New Yorkers are currently taking this route to economic self-sufficiency.
Impact - April 2013
CUF Report About NYC's Libraries Sparks New Proposal From Speaker QuinnCity Council Speaker Christine Quinn announced a new proposal to harness the incredible power of New York City's branch libraries. The proposal was sparked by our January 2013 Branches of Opportunity report about the increasingly important role that the city's public libraries are playing in communities around the five boroughs.
Data - March 2013
New York's New Business BoomNearly twice as many new businesses were started in the five boroughs in 2011 than in 1991, and the lion’s share were started outside of Manhattan.