2024 Gala


CUF Inspires Plan to Create College Savings Accounts for Kindergarteners

Impact - January 2017

CUF Inspires Plan to Create College Savings Accounts for Kindergarteners

In 2013, the Center for an Urban Future called on New York City to launch a kindergarten-to-college savings program, modeled on a successful initiative in San Francisco, to help increase the number of low-income children who go on to attend college. At the end of 2016, Mayor de Blasio announced that the city is finally piloting a similar plan, which will create $100 college savings accounts for roughly 10,000 kindergartners

Where Immigrant New Yorkers Go to Work

Data - October 2016

Where Immigrant New Yorkers Go to Work

Immigrants form an essential part of New York City's workforce. This data brief reveals where the city's immigrants go to work, including industries with a surprisingly high proportion of immigrant workers and others where immigrants are almost completely left out.