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Jobs in Transit: Opportunity in the Transportation Sector

Data - September 2016

Jobs in Transit: Opportunity in the Transportation Sector

The transportation sector is growing in New York City, creating opportunities for accessible middle-wage jobs across the five boroughs. This data brief, the latest publication of our Middle Class Jobs Project, documents the industry's recent job gains, which have outpaced the city's overall economic growth over the past two years.

Data from Making It Here: The Future of Manufacturing in New York City

Data - July 2016

Data from Making It Here: The Future of Manufacturing in New York City

The following data is part of CUF's 2016 Making It Here report. The report explores the new wave of modern manufacturing companies that are adding jobs across New York City, with a focus on three industries: 3D printing, wood and metal fabrication, and food.

Manufacturing in NYC: A Snapshot

Data - November 2015

Manufacturing in NYC: A Snapshot

This data analysis, the inaugural publication of the Center for an Urban Future’s Middle Class Jobs Project, provides a new level of detail about New York City’s manufacturing sector. It reveals that the city has gained nearly 1,000 manufacturing jobs since 2011, reversing a long decline, and documents which manufacturing subsectors in the five boroughs are growing the fastest.