

CUF shapes new efforts to fix city's broken capital construction process

Impact - January 2023

CUF shapes new efforts to fix city's broken capital construction process

The Adams administration’s Capital Process Reform Task Force released detailed recommendations, which drew heavily from the ideas and policy recommendations in the Center’s previous three reports calling attention to the city’s delay-ridden and overly costly capital construction process.

CUF Research Sparks $43 Million in New Funding for City Parks

Impact - June 2019

CUF Research Sparks $43 Million in New Funding for City Parks

The FY 2020 final budget includes $43 million in new funding for parks maintenance and staffing needs⁠—the largest single-year increase in parks funding to date⁠. This allocation closely mirrors the recommendations from our report on parks, A New Leaf: Revitalizing New York City's Aging Parks Infrastructure.

Parks Facilities, How the Boroughs Compare

Data - July 2015

Parks Facilities, How the Boroughs Compare

New York is home to the country’s oldest, busiest and most expansive parks. These facilities, however, are not equally distributed across the city’s neighborhoods and boroughs. In this data brief, we look at the per capita distribution of Department of Parks and Recreation pools, tennis courts, handball courts and baseball diamonds.