2024 Gala

Commentary/Op-Ed - September 2017

Op-Ed: Libraries Can Be More Than Just Books

New York has an opportunity, one shared by cities across the country, to improve library infrastructure while creating badly needed housing. By using aging branches as sites for development, new libraries may rise with affordable apartments on top.


impact - August 2017

CUF Influences de Blasio Administration’s CreateNYC Plan

The de Blasio administration’s CreateNYC plan follows several of CUF’s recommendations from its longstanding research on New York City’s creative economy.


Report - July 2017

Freight Forward: Boosting NYC’s Sagging Air Cargo Sector Should be Part of NYC’s Good Jobs Strategy

With global trade again on the rise, nearly every major airport in the country is experiencing increases in air cargo volumes. But New York’s dominant air cargo hub, JFK International Airport, is trending in the opposite direction.


Commentary/Op-Ed - July 2017

Op-Ed: New York’s Cultural Plan Should Tackle the Affordability Crisis

The de Blasio administration's CreateNYC plan is a promising step forward and follows months of dedicated outreach efforts to nearly 200,000 New Yorkers. However, as the city’s arts communities face a deepening affordability crisis, the plan offers little by way of solutions to this existential threat. The mayor should act now to help put more artists and organizations on the path to sustainability


Report - July 2017

Artists in Schools: A Creative Solution to New York’s Affordable Space Crunch

Despite fears that New York City is no longer welcoming to artists, there are more artists living here now than ever before, and the share of artists has increased in the majority of the city's neighborhoods. Yet the same forces that have led artists to spread across the five boroughs have made it harder for them to find work spaces. The arts facilities available in local schools, many concentrated in the same neighborhoods as artists, offer one possible solution to the affordable space crunch.


impact - July 2017

CUF Recommendation Leads to Expanded Ladders for Leaders Program

The de Blasio administration’s expansion of the Ladders for Leaders program follows a key recommendation from CUF’s 2014 Bridging the Disconnect report. We commend the city’s Center for Youth Employment and the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) for expanding this crucial youth workforce development program.


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