
impact - December 2014

CUF Prompts City Council Hearing on Capital needs of City’s Public Libraries

Prompted by our Re-Envisioning New York's Branch Libraries report, City Council organized a hearing to discuss capital needs and planning for the city's public library systems.


Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2014

Libraries of the Future

In this op-ed in City & State, CUF’s Jonathan Bowles and Jeanette Estima highlight some of the visionary ideas presented by design teams at our December 4th conference to re-imagine and rethink New York City’s branch libraries.


Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2014

Tap Into Part-Time Students

In this op-ed in Albany's Times Union, the Center’s Christian González-Rivera and Jonathan Bowles argue that at a time when a postsecondary credential is more critical than ever for economic success, public officials should modify the state’s Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) to allow more grants to go to part-time students. Doing so would benefit tens of thousands of poor and working poor students, who are now effectively barred from financial aid because of their part-time enrollment.


Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2014

Green Light for Career Pathways in New York City

Following the report released by the Jobs for New Yorkers Task Force last month, the Center’s Tom Hilliard offers four recommendations to help the de Blasio administration make lasting cultural changes toward a career-focused workforce system and succeed in fulfilling the bold vision laid out in the report.


Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2014

Fulfilling the Promise of the Jobs for New Yorkers Task Force

CUF workforce fellow David Jason Fischer calls the final report by the Jobs for New Yorkers Task Force the “most ambitious workforce reform effort ever undertaken by an American city,” and in this commentary, he provides his own observations and recommendations for how the city can fully capitalize on the possibilities of this moment for positive change.


Report - December 2014

Tapped Out

While a growing number of New Yorkers are enrolling in community colleges on a part-time basis, the state’s main financial aid program is out of reach for most of them.


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