
impact - January 2011

State Adopts CUF Recommendation For Improving Community Colleges

At a New York State Assembly hearing in mid-December on strengthening student success in higher education, CUF senior fellow Thomas Hilliard testified that "the state should overhaul the base funding model for community colleges to reflect state policy goals. Roughly one month later, state leaders have already moved in this direction.


Data - January 2011

Data from Subsidizing Care, Supporting Work

Selected charts and graphs from the Center for an Urban Future's January 2011 report which found that the supply of subsidized child care in NYC has slipped in recent years even as affordable child care has become increasingly critical for low-income parents to get and hold jobs or complete a postsecondary degree.


impact - January 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Advances CUF Policy Proposals in State of City Speech: Immigrant Entrepreneurs

CUF has been the city's leading voice in highlighting the catalytic impact of immigrant entrepreneurs and arguing that targeted support from local economic development officials could help more immigrants succeed in starting and growing businesses here.Yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg announced a set of initiatives to support immigrant entrepreneurs.


impact - January 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Advances CUF Policy Proposals in State of City Speech: Innovation Economy

Several of the economic development initiatives outlined by the mayor focused on growing the innovation economy, including the Center's longstanding recommendation to bolster the city's engineering presence.


impact - January 2011

Mayor Bloomberg Advances CUF Policy Proposals in State of City Speech: Summer Youth Jobs Programs

The Center has published two reports documenting the importance of the city's Summer Youth Employment Program as well as the funding gaps that have resulted in tens of thousands of New York City teens being turned away from the program. Yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg announced a plan to expand the program with private funds.


Report - January 2011

Subsidizing Care, Supporting Work

This report finds that the supply of subsidized child care in NYC has slipped in recent years even as affordable child care has become increasingly critical for low-income parents to get and hold jobs or complete a postsecondary degree.


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