impact - January 2011
CUF report leads to new kitchen incubator in East HarlemIn 2008, the Center published a policy brief which urged city economic development officials to support the creation of additional kitchen incubators in the five boroughs. We are gratified that city policymakers ran with the ideas in our piece.
Report - December 2010
A Chain ReactionOur third annual ranking of national retailers in NYC finds that despite the sluggish economy, the 280 national retailers listed in our 2009 report now have 4.1 percent more stores in the city than a year ago, with every borough registering a net increase in this period. Brooklyn had the largest net gain of any borough. And, for the third year running, Dunkin Donuts comes in as the national retailer with the most stores in the city.
Testimony - December 2010
Closing the College Achievement GapAt a December 14th New York State Assembly hearing on strengthening student success in higher education, CUF Senior Fellow Thomas Hilliard testified that policymakers should make student success a top state priority and restructure the way New York governs and finances its community colleges.
impact - December 2010
CUF influences new Bloomberg administration initiativeIn a major speech yesterday, Deputy Mayor Bob Steel announced a new city initiative to help the city grow its technology sector that was influenced by the Center's innovation economy research.
Report - October 2010
Time to be CreativeThis report argues that the sharp downturn in New York City's real estate market presents a unique opportunity to address the serious space needs of the city's artists, arts groups and creative entrepreneurs. It includes 17 recommendations for taking advantage of the downturn to strengthen New York's creative sector.
Event - September 2010
Conference - Time to be CreativeOn September 20, 2010, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Center organized a conference which brought influential leaders from New York City's arts and real estate communities to discuss whether the real estate downturn provides a unique opportunity to address the serious space needs facing New York City artists, arts groups and creative entrepreneurs. Panelists included Seth Pinsky, Mary Ann Tighe, Elizabeth Streb, Sam Miller, Eric Gural, and Rebecca Robertson.
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