
Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2007

Immigrants Would Thrive With More English Classes

In this op/ed for Newsday, the Center's Tara Colton argues that the growing unmet demand for English-language instruction could have dire economic consequences for Long Island.


Event - November 2007

Developing New York’s New Workforce Conference

The full transcript from the conference the Center co-sponsored with the Business Council of New York State and SCAA, where business leaders, literacy experts and state officials agreed that expanding English-language instruction is increasingly important for the state’s economic competitiveness. Panelists included Manuel Rivera, NYS Deputy Secretary for Education; Kenneth Adams, president/CEO of The Business Council of New York State; and Chung-Wha Hong of The New York Immigration Coalition


Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2007

Recapturing Suburban Shoppers

This policy brief shows that ethnic retail strips from Jackson Heights to Richmond Hill are attracting hordes of suburban shoppers—and having a big impact on the city’s economy.


Report - November 2007

Still Lost in Translation

A new analysis shows that the enormous gap between demand for ESOL and the supply of available classes in New York State has gotten even worse over the past year.


Testimony - September 2007

It’s Time to Reinvent New York’s Street Fairs

In this testimony before the City Council, associate research director Tara Colton argues that a significant overhaul of the city’s street fair system is long overdue and the city should do more to involve local entrepreneurs and artists in the fairs.


Commentary/Op-Ed - September 2007

Too Few Jobs For Youth

New York City's Summer Youth Employment Program recently completed another successful summer--but, as CUF notes in this recent Gotham Gazette op-ed, it's still reaching too few of the city's teens.


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