Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2007
Immigrants Would Thrive With More English ClassesIn this op/ed for Newsday, the Center's Tara Colton argues that the growing unmet demand for English-language instruction could have dire economic consequences for Long Island.
Event - November 2007
Developing New York’s New Workforce ConferenceThe full transcript from the conference the Center co-sponsored with the Business Council of New York State and SCAA, where business leaders, literacy experts and state officials agreed that expanding English-language instruction is increasingly important for the states economic competitiveness. Panelists included Manuel Rivera, NYS Deputy Secretary for Education; Kenneth Adams, president/CEO of The Business Council of New York State; and Chung-Wha Hong of The New York Immigration Coalition
Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2007
Recapturing Suburban ShoppersThis policy brief shows that ethnic retail strips from Jackson Heights to Richmond Hill are attracting hordes of suburban shoppersand having a big impact on the citys economy.
Report - November 2007
Still Lost in TranslationA new analysis shows that the enormous gap between demand for ESOL and the supply of available classes in New York State has gotten even worse over the past year.
Testimony - September 2007
It’s Time to Reinvent New York’s Street FairsIn this testimony before the City Council, associate research director Tara Colton argues that a significant overhaul of the citys street fair system is long overdue and the city should do more to involve local entrepreneurs and artists in the fairs.
Commentary/Op-Ed - September 2007
Too Few Jobs For YouthNew York City's Summer Youth Employment Program recently completed another successful summer--but, as CUF notes in this recent Gotham Gazette op-ed, it's still reaching too few of the city's teens.
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