
Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2007

Libraries, An Invaluable Resource for Immigrants

In this op-ed for El Diario/La Prensa, CUF Director Jonathan Bowles argues that the restoration of six day a week service at the city's public libraries is a huge victory for immigrants, children, seniors and working adults.


Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2007

Engineering A Tech Sector

This Off the CUF essay argues that NYU's proposed merger with Polytechnic University could provide a critical spark to the city's long-frustrated efforts to establish a more robust high-tech sector.


Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2007

Branching Out

This Off the CUF essay argues that the decision to restore six day a week library service is a landmark achievement that will boost the competitiveness of New York’s workforce.


Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2007

Immigrant Entrepreneurs on Staten Island

In this op-ed in Staten Island Business Trends, CUF director Jonathan Bowles argues that Staten Island’s growing immigrant population could be a catalyst for the borough’s economy in the years ahead.


Report - August 2007

A Bumpy Ride

This new report finds that cultural trolleys hold promise in raising the profile of arts institutions outside of Manhattan, but a lack of marketing funds and operational challenges means most trolley programs have not yet boosted attendance at local cultural venues.


Report - August 2007

Working to Learn, Learning to Work

This new report by the Center and the Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy documents the critical importance to New York's economy of expanding college attendance among working adults, and finds that the rate at which adults attend college has fallen sharply.


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