
Report - June 2007

Work in Progress

This report finds that four years after Mayor Bloomberg moved to remake workforce development in NYC, much has been accomplished, but even more remains to be done.


Report - June 2007

Summer Help

This report finds that NYC’s Summer Youth Employment Program will serve 21 percent fewer young people this summer than in 1999, a troubling decline since the city’s teen employment rate is half the national average.


Testimony - May 2007

Meeting Demand for ESOL in NYC

In this testimony before a City Council hearing prompted by the Center's 2006 report, "Lost in Translation," associate research director Tara Colton lays out steps the city can take to address the enormous unmet demand for ESOL classes.


Report - April 2007

Staten Island 2020

This new report shows that New York’s fastest-growing borough faces serious economic and infrastructure challenges, from an exodus of young people to stubbornly high vacancy rates in the borough’s office buildings.


Testimony - February 2007

In Working Order

At a City Council hearing on the state of NYC's workforce development system, CUF Project Director David Fischer testified that the Bloomberg administration has made great strides but needs more resources and a broader vision.


Report - February 2007

A Thousand Cuts

This new report by the Center and NYATEP finds that now more than ever, New York needs a strong workforce development system -- but declining funds and uncoordinated programs are obstacles to progress.


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