Report - November 2001
Under the MattressEven as recession and terrorism combined to throw tens of thousands of New Yorkers out of work, city government has sat on hundreds of millions of federal dollars designed for job training.
Event - October 2001
Economic Development After The World Trade Center Disaster: Next Steps for New Yorks EconomyLeslie Eaton of the New York Times moderates a panel discussion on how New York City should pursue economic development after the September 11 attack.
Testimony - October 2001
Testimony to IDA Board on New York Stock Exchange FinancingTestimony of Jonathan Bowles, Research Director, Center for an Urban Future, before New York City's IDA Board on the question of New York Stock Exchange Financing
Testimony - October 2001
Don’t Legalize Loft Conversions in East Williamsburg Industrial ParkTestimony of Jonathan Bowles, Research Director, Center for an Urban Future Before the City Planning Commission On Loft Law Zoning Amendments
Commentary/Op-Ed - October 2001
A Diverse Economy Will Get City MovingReprinted from Newsday, 10/04/2001
Report - October 2001
Sudden ImpactMany of New York Citys vital economic sectors were seriously affected by the September 11 attack.
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