Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2002
Retention Deficit DisorderWill New York finally adopt an incentive policy that keeps businesses in the city without giving away the store?
Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2002
The $67 Million QuestionIn this article for the Gotham Gazette, the Center looks at how New York City suddenly found itself in an ironic use-it-or-lose-it situation with $67 million in federal funding for job training.
Report - March 2002
After the Gold RushNo longer a specialty field, information technology has become an essential part of business growth in New York City. In this report, the Center tackles the question of how to connect jobseekers to a field that needs workers of all education and skill levels
Testimony - February 2002
Guiding Principles for the Lower Manhattan Development CommissionTestimony of Jonathan Bowles before the City Council, February 25, 2002.
Testimony - February 2002
Remarks to City Council: the Workforce Investment Act in New York CityRemarks of CUF Project Director David Fischer at City Council's General Welfare Committee hearings on Workforce Investment Act implementation.
Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2002
Albany Must Do More For the CityThis op-ed first appeared in the New York Daily News on Feb. 26, 2002.
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