
Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2007

Immigrants Would Thrive With More English Classes

In this op/ed for Newsday, the Center's Tara Colton argues that the growing unmet demand for English-language instruction could have dire economic consequences for Long Island.

Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2007

Recapturing Suburban Shoppers

This policy brief shows that ethnic retail strips from Jackson Heights to Richmond Hill are attracting hordes of suburban shoppers—and having a big impact on the city’s economy.

Report - November 2007

Still Lost in Translation

A new analysis shows that the enormous gap between demand for ESOL and the supply of available classes in New York State has gotten even worse over the past year.

Testimony - September 2007

It’s Time to Reinvent New York’s Street Fairs

In this testimony before the City Council, associate research director Tara Colton argues that a significant overhaul of the city’s street fair system is long overdue and the city should do more to involve local entrepreneurs and artists in the fairs.

Commentary/Op-Ed - September 2007

Too Few Jobs For Youth

New York City's Summer Youth Employment Program recently completed another successful summer--but, as CUF notes in this recent Gotham Gazette op-ed, it's still reaching too few of the city's teens.

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2007

Libraries, An Invaluable Resource for Immigrants

In this op-ed for El Diario/La Prensa, CUF Director Jonathan Bowles argues that the restoration of six day a week service at the city's public libraries is a huge victory for immigrants, children, seniors and working adults.

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2007

Engineering A Tech Sector

This Off the CUF essay argues that NYU's proposed merger with Polytechnic University could provide a critical spark to the city's long-frustrated efforts to establish a more robust high-tech sector.

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2007

Branching Out

This Off the CUF essay argues that the decision to restore six day a week library service is a landmark achievement that will boost the competitiveness of New York’s workforce.

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2007

Immigrant Entrepreneurs on Staten Island

In this op-ed in Staten Island Business Trends, CUF director Jonathan Bowles argues that Staten Island’s growing immigrant population could be a catalyst for the borough’s economy in the years ahead.

Report - August 2007

A Bumpy Ride

This new report finds that cultural trolleys hold promise in raising the profile of arts institutions outside of Manhattan, but a lack of marketing funds and operational challenges means most trolley programs have not yet boosted attendance at local cultural venues.

Report - August 2007

Working to Learn, Learning to Work

This new report by the Center and the Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy documents the critical importance to New York's economy of expanding college attendance among working adults, and finds that the rate at which adults attend college has fallen sharply.

Report - June 2007

Work in Progress

This report finds that four years after Mayor Bloomberg moved to remake workforce development in NYC, much has been accomplished, but even more remains to be done.

Report - June 2007

Summer Help

This report finds that NYC’s Summer Youth Employment Program will serve 21 percent fewer young people this summer than in 1999, a troubling decline since the city’s teen employment rate is half the national average.

Testimony - May 2007

Meeting Demand for ESOL in NYC

In this testimony before a City Council hearing prompted by the Center's 2006 report, "Lost in Translation," associate research director Tara Colton lays out steps the city can take to address the enormous unmet demand for ESOL classes.

Report - April 2007

Staten Island 2020

This new report shows that New York’s fastest-growing borough faces serious economic and infrastructure challenges, from an exodus of young people to stubbornly high vacancy rates in the borough’s office buildings.

Testimony - February 2007

In Working Order

At a City Council hearing on the state of NYC's workforce development system, CUF Project Director David Fischer testified that the Bloomberg administration has made great strides but needs more resources and a broader vision.

Report - February 2007

A Thousand Cuts

This new report by the Center and NYATEP finds that now more than ever, New York needs a strong workforce development system -- but declining funds and uncoordinated programs are obstacles to progress.

Report - February 2007

A World of Opportunity

This new report by the Center documents that immigrant entrepreneurs have emerged as a key engine of economic growth for cities from New York to Los Angeles--and, with the right support, could provide an even bigger boost to these cities in the years ahead.

Report - February 2007

Cause for Distress

This report reveals that thousands of housing units across the county are being lost to foreclosure and disrepair, and offers strategies for protecting this stock of distressed housing.

Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2006

Help More Immigrants Learn English

In an op/ed in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, CUF Associate Research Director Tara Colton highlights the tremendous need for English language instruction throughout New York State and urges business leaders and elected officials to step up their support for ESOL programs.

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