
Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2003

NYC’s Six Closest Suburbs Gained 39,000 Jobs Over the Past Year While the City Lost 58,000 Jobs

The Center for an Urban Future charges that Pataki and Bruno's opposition to commuter tax is pure politics and shows blatant disregard for NYC’s fiscal problems and post-9/11 needs.

Testimony - April 2003

Anti-NYC Bias Dooms State’s Biotech Strategy

Testimony of Jonathan Bowles Before State Assembly Legislative Commission on Science and Technology

Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2003

City’s Jobless Need All the Help They Can Get

This op-ed on New York City workforce policy appeared in Newsday on April 30, 2003.

Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2003

Sick Transit

New York can't afford not to build a 21st-century public transportation system.

Report - March 2003

Labor Gains

Though little heeded by the public and press, union-affiliated training is transforming New York's workforce landscape. In this new report, the Center offers the first comprehensive look at labor's substantial, and successful, training efforts.

Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2003

Learning from Labor

Unions operate a number of New York City's most successful job training programs. But the publicly run workforce system has met these labor successes with indifference, or worse.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2003

Latest Employment Figures Make A Strong Case For New York City Receiving Special Aid From Albany And

CUF reveals that NYC accounted for 97 percent of the state's job losses and 18 percent of the national job losses over the past year.

Testimony - February 2003

Impact of the Arts on New York City’s Economy

Center deputy director Robin Keegan addressed the City Council on how arts and cultural development affect the city economy.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2003

Slow Down on Far West Midtown

With virtually no public discussion, the plan for Far West Midtown is going full speed ahead.

Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2003

Do Something For New York City, George!

In this press release on the eve of the governor's budget proposal, the Center offers new data to support reinstating the commuter tax--a move Governor Pataki has yet to endorse.

Testimony - December 2002

Remarks to City Council General Welfare Committee

CUF project director David Fischer gave testimony at a Dec. 5 City Council hearing on the Workforce Investment Act

Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2002

Succeeding With Sectors

How the Bloomberg administration can move sector-based economic development from the conference room to the real world.

Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2002

Spare Some Change?

A fiscal crisis is a good time to figure out how the city can better coordinate the fight against poverty--without spending an extra penny.

Report - November 2002

The Creative Engine

This groundbreaking report by the Center details how arts & culture is fueling economic growth in New York City neighborhoods.

Commentary/Op-Ed - October 2002

Center Criticizes Governor for Ruling Out East River Tolls and Reinstatement of Commuter Tax

In response to Governor Pataki's announcement that he won't impose tolls on East River crossings or reinstate the Commuter Tax, the Center for an Urban Future urges all gubernatorial candidates to keep an open mind about new revenue-raising mechanisms that would allow the city to help itself.

Commentary/Op-Ed - October 2002

Performing Miracles

When it comes to neighborhood revitalization, community arts groups have a thing or two to show business.

Report - October 2002

Bumpy Skies

In this report on New York's air transport industry, the Center illustrates that JFK and LaGuardia fared worse than most U.S. airports in the year after September 11th and still face structural threats to future competitiveness.

Report - August 2002

Red Hook and Gowanus Reborn

Commissioned by the Red Hook/Gowanus Chamber of Commerce, this report details the industrial and maritime revival of the Red Hook and Gowanus neighborhoods.

Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2002

Doing Our Marketing

To attract fast-growing, high-wage firms, New York City should talk up our Tudors and our test scores--not our tax breaks.

Report - August 2002

Rebuilding Job Training from the Ground Up

Nearly a year after the disaster of September 11, New York City has begun a long-overdue reform of its workforce development system. In this report, the Center finds the early returns encouraging—-but warns that heavy lifting lies ahead.

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