
Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2002

Albany Should Stop Stiffing New York City

This op-ed was originally published in New York Newsday, April 11, 2002.

Report - April 2002

Sympathy but no Support

This report by Center research director Jonathan Bowles illustrates how even after September 11, state government in Albany has continued a decade-long pattern of shortchanging New York City.

Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2002

Retention Deficit Disorder

Will New York finally adopt an incentive policy that keeps businesses in the city without giving away the store?

Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2002

The $67 Million Question

In this article for the Gotham Gazette, the Center looks at how New York City suddenly found itself in an ironic use-it-or-lose-it situation with $67 million in federal funding for job training.

Report - March 2002

After the Gold Rush

No longer a specialty field, information technology has become an essential part of business growth in New York City. In this report, the Center tackles the question of how to connect jobseekers to a field that needs workers of all education and skill levels

Testimony - February 2002

Guiding Principles for the Lower Manhattan Development Commission

Testimony of Jonathan Bowles before the City Council, February 25, 2002.

Testimony - February 2002

Remarks to City Council: the Workforce Investment Act in New York City

Remarks of CUF Project Director David Fischer at City Council's General Welfare Committee hearings on Workforce Investment Act implementation.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2002

Albany Must Do More For the City

This op-ed first appeared in the New York Daily News on Feb. 26, 2002.

Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2002

Building the Right Foundation

Consultant David Hochman examines why New York City's foundations have funded antipoverty programs to the exclusion of other worthwhile efforts.

Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2002

A Small Opportunity: Time for Entrepreneurship to Thrive in NYC

Start-ups can't stand in for fleeing financial giants. But they could help put the city back in business.

Report - November 2001

Going on with the Show

Lost amidst predictions of mass joblessness, budget deficits and overall economic turmoil has been the plight of arts and culture organizations, which have seen their revenue sources shrivel since the terrorist attack.

Report - November 2001

If You Can Make It Here

A special report on real estate issues and the arts, prepared for the New York Foundation for the Arts and included in the NYFA publication "Culture Counts."

Report - November 2001

Under the Mattress

Even as recession and terrorism combined to throw tens of thousands of New Yorkers out of work, city government has sat on hundreds of millions of federal dollars designed for job training.

Testimony - October 2001

Testimony to IDA Board on New York Stock Exchange Financing

Testimony of Jonathan Bowles, Research Director, Center for an Urban Future, before New York City's IDA Board on the question of New York Stock Exchange Financing

Testimony - October 2001

Don’t Legalize Loft Conversions in East Williamsburg Industrial Park

Testimony of Jonathan Bowles, Research Director, Center for an Urban Future Before the City Planning Commission On Loft Law Zoning Amendments

Commentary/Op-Ed - October 2001

A Diverse Economy Will Get City Moving

Reprinted from Newsday, 10/04/2001

Report - October 2001

Sudden Impact

Many of New York City’s vital economic sectors were seriously affected by the September 11 attack.

Report - October 2001

The Future of the Tech Savvy City

CUF Senior Fellow Joel Kotkin examines what New York and other urban centers must do to continue as "high-tech hubs."

Report - June 2001

Building a Highway to Higher Ed

After decades of miscommunication between high schools and colleges, education advocates nationwide are taking heart in signs that collaboration and coordination are beginning to ease the transition to higher ed. Nowhere is this positive trend more pronounced than in New York City.

Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2001

Economic Development: An Overview

A look at economic development issues likely to face New York's next Mayor

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