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CUF Reports Lead to Built/NYC, a New Program by the NYC Department of Design and Construction

Impact - August 2013

CUF Reports Lead to Built/NYC, a New Program by the NYC Department of Design and Construction

The Center’s 2011 Growth by Design report concluded that far more could be done to harness New York City’s design sector. NYC Department of Design and Construction acted on this recommendation, creating a new program that will commission site-specific furnishings for city construction projects from local product designers.

CUF Influences MTA’s Needs Assessment for NYC Transit System

Impact - July 2013

CUF Influences MTA’s Needs Assessment for NYC Transit System

In July 2013, the MTA published a forward-looking needs assessment for New York City’s transit system that was greatly influenced by the Center's Behind the Curb study.

More than Manhattan

Data - July 2013

More than Manhattan

Manhattan remains the epicenter of New York City’s economy, but the other four boroughs now comprise roughly 40 percent of all private sector jobs in the city, their highest total ever. In 2012, Manhattan accounted for 60.50 percent of the city’s private sector jobs, down from 65.92 percent in 1982 and 63.08 percent as recently as 2000.

CUF Influences Full City Restoration of Library Funding

Impact - June 2013

CUF Influences Full City Restoration of Library Funding

For the first time since Fiscal Year 2008, Mayor Bloomberg and the City Council approved a city budget in which New York City's three public library systems did not lose any funding. The decision to fully restore the libraries’ budgets—after the mayor initially proposed a $106 million reduction in funding—was influenced by our groundbreaking study about New York’s three public library systems.

Still Waiting for NYC’s Biotech Boom

Data - June 2013

Still Waiting for NYC’s Biotech Boom

New York City has all the ingredients to become a leading biotech hub, and the Bloomberg administration is pulling out all the stops to support the sector’s growth; but the New York Metro region was only fifth among all regions in biotech VC deals last quarter—and all of the local deals went to companies in New Jersey and Connecticut.

Seeding NYC's Startup Success

Data - May 2013

Seeding NYC's Startup Success

Over the past decade, the NYC region’s share of all venture capital deals in the U.S. more than doubled, from 5.3 percent to 11.4 percent. During the same period, New England’s share fell from 14.8 percent to 10.2 percent and Silicon Valley’s rose slightly, from 28.6 percent to 31.7 percent.

Data from Launching Low-Income Entrepreneurs

Data - April 2013

Data from Launching Low-Income Entrepreneurs

Selected charts and graphs from the Center for an Urban Future's major April 2013 report on low-income entrepreneurs. The report found that with middle-income jobs in decline, entrepreneurship offers an increasingly promising pathway out of poverty; but few low-income New Yorkers are currently taking this route to economic self-sufficiency.

Libraries implement CUF recommendation on ebook purchasing

Impact - April 2013

Libraries implement CUF recommendation on ebook purchasing

Our January 2013 Branches of Opportunity study recommended that New York City’s three library systems pursue new revenue opportunities including facilitating book purchases by library patrons. We’re pleased to report that this recommendation is being implemented.

CUF Influences Speaker Quinn’s New Transportation Proposals

Impact - April 2013

CUF Influences Speaker Quinn’s New Transportation Proposals

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn announced a series of new proposals to improve mass transit in New York City. Three of the proposals were influenced by our 2011 Behind the Curb report which found that New York City’s public transit service has not kept pace with recent job growth and transit ridership gains.

Low-Wage Jobs, 2012

Data - April 2013

Low-Wage Jobs, 2012

Over the past five years, the number of New Yorkers who work in low-wage jobs has steadily increased, with more than a third of adults in the city—and nearly half in the Bronx—now stuck in low-paying occupations.

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