2024 Gala

Report - May 2022

Starting Up & Staying Out

For many formerly incarcerated New Yorkers, entrepreneurship provides a meaningful pathway to economic opportunity. Strengthening support for reentry entrepreneurship offers policymakers one vital, yet largely untapped, opportunity to help far more returning New Yorkers succeed in reentry and beyond.


Report - May 2022

In Good Company: What NYC’s Employers Should Do to Expand Access to Good Jobs

Creating a more equitable economy will require bold action by the city. But the private sector will also need to step up. This study provides a snapshot of six innovative employer-led initiatives to expand access to good jobs—with enormous potential for replication among other companies in New York.


Event - May 2022

The Role of Employers in Expanding Access to Good Jobs in NYC

On May 4th, the Center for an Urban Future held a policy symposium that explored what’s needed to ensure that far more New York-based employers develop and scale up programs from internships and apprenticeships to skills-based hiring.


Report - April 2022

Eliminating Discriminatory Fines & Fees: Learning From San Francisco

The fifth edition of Economic Opportunity Lab, CUF's series spotlighting innovative policies from other cities and states that are helping to create a more inclusive economy, profiles San Francisco’s Financial Justice Project. A similar initiative in NYC could reform a system of fines and fees with disproportionate consequences for low-income New Yorkers.


Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2022

Make New York City a national leader in employment for people with disabilities

In this op-ed for City Limits, CUF Researcher and Multimedia Specialist Melissa Lent and Editorial and Policy Director Eli Dvorkin lay out the opportunity for the mayor and City Council to make New York City a national leader in employment for people with disabilities.


impact - March 2022

CUF report directly inspires major proposal by Council Speaker

CUF's research inspired a major new policy proposal from City Council Speaker Adrienne E. Adams that will help thousands of working-age New Yorkers who have some college credits but no degree to return to CUNY and complete a credential.


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