
Commentary/Op-Ed - July 2014

Gotham Gazette: Desperately Needed Infrastructure Improvements Must Be Given Dedicated Funding

In this op-ed in Gotham Gazette, the Center’s Adam Forman argues that while dedicating part of the recent $4 billion settlement between New York State and BNP Paribas for infrastructure projects makes a world of sense, it will not be sufficient to tackling the city’s massive infrastructure needs. He urges to identify new dedicated revenue streams and ensure that existing revenue streams are no longer raided for other purposes.


Testimony - July 2014

A Call for Better Transit Outside of Manhattan

At a July 2014 hearing before the MTA Transportation Reinvention Commission, the Center’s David Giles highlighted New York City’s rapidly changing economic geography and called on the MTA to make addressing non-Manhattan commuting a top priority.


Commentary/Op-Ed - July 2014

The Federal Workforce Overhaul: Good News for New York City?

After more than a decade of inaction, Congress has finally passed a new federal workforce law. In this July 2014 commentary, CUF senior fellow David Jason Fischer explains why the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act bodes well for New York City.


impact - June 2014

CUF Report Prompts Increased Investment in Underground Infrastructure

Our March 2014 Caution Ahead report brought significant attention to New York City’s aging underground infrastructure, detailing numerous vulnerabilities across city’s the water, sewer and gas pipes. In response to the report’s findings, utility companies and city agencies have begun accelerating their underground infrastructure investments.


Testimony - June 2014

Testimony: Aging Infrastructure - New York City’s Gas, Steam and Water Infrastructure

In this testimony before a joint Economic Development, Environmental Protection and Consumer Affairs City Council hearing, the Center’s Adam Forman highlights numerous vulnerabilities in the City's gas, water and sewage infrastructure. He recommends that the city prioritize the rehabilitation of existing infrastructure and better coordinate its capital planning process across agencies.


Testimony - June 2014

Testimony: Aging out of Foster Care

At a June 2014 City Council hearing on youth aging out of the foster care system, CUF Senior Fellow Thomas Hilliard testified on the importance of exploring the developmental outcomes of foster care, such as high school graduation rates, early predictors of dropout and use of city services after leaving care.


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