
Event - January 2014

Video: Platforms for Mobility

New York State's 35 community colleges are increasingly vital to the state's economy and more critical than ever to individuals' economic mobility. On January 10, 2014, the Center for an Urban Future held a symposium in Albany that focused on how New York can harness the full potential of its community colleges and what can be done to ensure that more of those who enroll in the state’s community colleges actually graduate.


Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2013

A More Accountable Workforce Development System

An important new state law gives workforce development agencies and community colleges access to data allowing them to track the outcomes of their graduates, but more could be done to take advantage of this data to create a more effective human capital system.


Data - December 2013

NYS Regional Economic Development Council Awards by Region, 2011-2013

NYC has received just 7.8 percent of the state’s Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) grants over the past three years, despite having more than 40 percent of the state’s population and businesses—and being home to the two counties with the highest unemployment rates in the state.


Report - December 2013

State of the Chains, 2013

The number of chain stores in New York City grew for the fifth year in a row, but the past year had the smallest year-over-year increase since we began compiling data on the city’s national retailers in 2008.


Report - November 2013

Innovations to Build On

The de Blasio administration will need to tackle a number of serious social policy challenges when it takes office in January, but there is much to build upon. This report profiles 10 important anti-poverty innovations from the Bloomberg administration that deserve to continue.


Event - October 2013

Video: The New Face of New York’s Seniors Forum

On October 15, 2013, the Center for an Urban Future held a conference on planning for New York City's rapidly aging immigrant population. With 430,000 foreign born residents over the age of 65, New York has by far the largest immigrant senior population of any U.S. city. This symposium delved into how New York should plan for the aging of its immigrant population, with panelists sharing solutions they have implemented to serve older immigrants. It also fleshed out what strategies government agencies, nonprofit organizations and immigrant leaders can develop to ensure that New York is not only a great place for immigrants but also a great place for immigrants to grow old.


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