
impact - February 2014

New de Blasio Administration Continues Young Men’s Initiative, a Policy Highlighted in our “Innovations to Build On” Report

In November 2013, we highlighted 10 important anti-poverty innovations from the Bloomberg administration that deserved to continue. We're pleased to report that Mayor de Blasio recently announced that his administration will build on one such innovation, the Young Men's Initiative.


Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2014

Strengthening NYC’s Community Colleges is Key to Restoring the Middle Class Dream

In this January 2014 commentary, the Center’s Tom Hilliard argues that the de Blasio administration could tackle income inequality and make a huge difference in the economic opportunities available to New Yorkers by strengthening the city’s community colleges.


Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2014

Op-ed: What Mayor de Blasio can do to increase middle-class jobs, income equality

In an op-ed for the Daily News, the Center's Jonathan Bowles laments that the pathway to the middle class in New York City is now all but closed off for countless New Yorkers. While acknowledging that the city's soaring cost of living is a problem, he argues that the bigger challenge is that New York's economy seems less and less capable of producing jobs that pay enough to support a middle-class lifestyle in such a high-cost city.


Event - January 2014

Video: Platforms for Mobility

New York State's 35 community colleges are increasingly vital to the state's economy and more critical than ever to individuals' economic mobility. On January 10, 2014, the Center for an Urban Future held a symposium in Albany that focused on how New York can harness the full potential of its community colleges and what can be done to ensure that more of those who enroll in the state’s community colleges actually graduate.


Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2013

A More Accountable Workforce Development System

An important new state law gives workforce development agencies and community colleges access to data allowing them to track the outcomes of their graduates, but more could be done to take advantage of this data to create a more effective human capital system.


Data - December 2013

NYS Regional Economic Development Council Awards by Region, 2011-2013

NYC has received just 7.8 percent of the state’s Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) grants over the past three years, despite having more than 40 percent of the state’s population and businesses—and being home to the two counties with the highest unemployment rates in the state.


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