2024 Gala

Report - June 2011

End of an ARRA

The 2009 federal stimulus brought a huge infusion of funds to New York City for job training and workforce development, but the money is now running out. This report looks at how the funds were spent and what the end of this funding stream means at a time when countless New Yorkers are still out of work.


Report - June 2011

Growth by Design

This report details the powerful economic impact of New York's architecture and design sectors. It shows that New York has far more designers than any other U.S. city, but concludes that far more could be done to harness the sector's growth potential.


impact - June 2011

New City Initiatives to Retain Industrial Jobs Echo CUF Recommendations

Several of our ideas influenced a package of 22 proposals to strengthen the city's industrial sector that was announced this week by Mayor Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn


Report - May 2011

Staten Island: Then and Now

Between 1990 and 2010, no other borough changed as much as Staten Island. This report shows just how the borough has been transformed, with more than 80 graphs and charts detailing trends in demographics, the economy, development, commuting and education


impact - May 2011

Restoring Funds for Child Care

Last week, Mayor Bloomberg announced that he was restoring $40 million in proposed cuts to child care programs. The Mayor's action comes on the heels of our February 2011 policy brief Subsidizing Care, Supporting Work.


impact - May 2011

Bring Stanford to NYC?

Mayor Bloomberg recently announced that the city had received 18 responses to its Request for Expressions of Interest seeking academic institutions to develop an applied science and engineering research campus in New York City, with proposals coming from Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon and many other institutions from around the world. The city's idea for attracting a new engineering campus was greatly influenced by our 2009 Building New York City's Innovation Economy report.


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