2024 Gala

Event - March 2011

Video: Restarting the Economy: Unlocking the Growth Potential of Small Businesses

With so many Americans now unemployed and the economy still struggling to get into a high gear, the country badly needs small businesses to work their magic. Small businesses created roughly two thirds of all new jobs in the United States over the past 15 years, but they are also the nation's turnaround specialists: Small firms almost single handedly sparked the economic recovery during the nation's two previous recessions. But this time, small firms have been struggling, too.

This conference will focus on what the private and public sectors can do to help more of the nation's small businesses expand and create jobsand serve as a catalyst for economic growth. With a panel featuring some of the nation's leading thinkers about strategies for small business growth, the event will discuss everything from how to help more small businesses export their products and services and how to get more small firms to become suppliers to the nation's largest corporations to how to address the financing gaps that inhibit so many small businesses from growing to the next level.


Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2011

NY Borough to Borough Commute? Fuhgeddaboudit!

New Geography published an article by David Giles last week on the dramatic increase in commuters going to outer borough jobs. The piece argues that the city and state's biggest transit investments have been too focused on Manhattan despite the fact that a majority of new jobs over the last ten years have come from outer borough employers.


Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2011

Council on Foreign Relations Publishes CUF Commentary on Immigration Reform

The Council on Foreign Relations published a commentary by the Center's Jonathan Bowles about how immigration reform could boost U.S. economic performance. Published as part of an expert roundup on immigration reform, our piece argues that immigration reform will give the U.S. the ability to retain its advantages in human capital, innovation and entrepreneurship and boost the fortunes of many regions.


Report - March 2011

Giving Small Firms the Business

Our survey of nearly 200 small businesses shows that becoming a corporate supplier typically leads to significant revenue and job growthbut breaking into the corporate supply chain is a huge challenge for many small firms.


impact - March 2011

Mayor runs with CUF recommendations to support immigrant entrepreneurs

Today, the Mayor announced three new steps to make it easier for immigrant-owned businesses to start and grow in New York City. All three mayoral initiatives were heavily influenced by the Center.


Data - February 2011

Data from Behind the Curb

Selected charts and graphs from the Center for an Urban Future's major February 2011 report which found that a disproportionate share of the city's recent job growth, transit ridership gains and population growth have occurred in the four boroughs outside of Manhattan. However, transit service in the boroughs has not kept pace-and the biggest losers have been the city's working poor.


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