
Commentary/Op-Ed - March 2017

Op-ed: Adults stranded without a credential: The high school equivalency emergency

In New York, there's no shortage of big ideas in public education. Unfortunately, this does not extend to an area long neglected: adult education. The state’s high school equivalency reaches fewer than 1 percent annually of the 1.6 million adults who lack a diploma—and those efforts are trending in the wrong direction.


Data - March 2017

Taking to TASC: Too Few New Yorkers Are Passing the High School Equivalency Exam

After the New York State Department of Education switched from the GED to a new high school equivalency exam, TASC, in 2014, the number of New York adults obtaining their HSE fell by half. The Center’s report is a first-ever look at the number of the New Yorkers that are taking and passing the new HSE exam since New York State changed test providers.


Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2017

The Numbers Behind the Immigration Debate

After the Trump administration launched its ban on refugees and travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries last month, the Center for an Urban Future took a deep dive into our research on immigration to elevate the facts. Here is what we found.


Event - February 2017

Driving Innovation: Cities as Models for Urban Policy Change

On February 13, 2017, the Center for an Urban Future and NYU Wagner with support from the Citi Foundation hosted a forum to explore a crucial question: With a change of leadership in Washington, will cities be able to maintain—or even accelerate—the pace of progress?


Commentary/Op-Ed - February 2017

Op-Ed: California shows New York how to boost college completion along with affordability

The governors of New York and California both issued bold proposals this month placing public colleges and universities at the top of the agenda. Governor Cuomo's investment should be coupled with new strategies to make sure more students reach graduation day. For this, New York should look to the Golden State.


Commentary/Op-Ed - January 2017

7 Ways New York State Can Expand Economic Opportunity in 2017

As Governor Cuomo and the State Legislature set their agenda for 2017, a key theme should be economic opportunity: why it’s vital to take action now and how the state can help more New Yorkers take advantage of today’s economy. These seven policy proposals elevate practical ideas that New York’s leaders can use to invest wisely in its residents.


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