Commentary/Op-Ed - December 2002
Succeeding With SectorsHow the Bloomberg administration can move sector-based economic development from the conference room to the real world.
Commentary/Op-Ed - November 2002
Spare Some Change?A fiscal crisis is a good time to figure out how the city can better coordinate the fight against poverty--without spending an extra penny.
Report - November 2002
The Creative EngineThis groundbreaking report by the Center details how arts & culture is fueling economic growth in New York City neighborhoods.
Commentary/Op-Ed - October 2002
Center Criticizes Governor for Ruling Out East River Tolls and Reinstatement of Commuter TaxIn response to Governor Pataki's announcement that he won't impose tolls on East River crossings or reinstate the Commuter Tax, the Center for an Urban Future urges all gubernatorial candidates to keep an open mind about new revenue-raising mechanisms that would allow the city to help itself.
Commentary/Op-Ed - October 2002
Performing MiraclesWhen it comes to neighborhood revitalization, community arts groups have a thing or two to show business.
Report - October 2002
Bumpy SkiesIn this report on New York's air transport industry, the Center illustrates that JFK and LaGuardia fared worse than most U.S. airports in the year after September 11th and still face structural threats to future competitiveness.
Report - August 2002
Red Hook and Gowanus RebornCommissioned by the Red Hook/Gowanus Chamber of Commerce, this report details the industrial and maritime revival of the Red Hook and Gowanus neighborhoods.
Commentary/Op-Ed - August 2002
Doing Our MarketingTo attract fast-growing, high-wage firms, New York City should talk up our Tudors and our test scores--not our tax breaks.
Report - August 2002
Rebuilding Job Training from the Ground UpNearly a year after the disaster of September 11, New York City has begun a long-overdue reform of its workforce development system. In this report, the Center finds the early returns encouraging-but warns that heavy lifting lies ahead.
Report - August 2002
A Prescription for FailureThis report on biotechnology in New York shows how Albany's $200 million biotech plan bypasses New York City, where the state has its best chance to grow the industry.
Commentary/Op-Ed - July 2002
Another Disappointing Year From AlbanyFor years, Albany lawmakers have been indifferent, at best, to New York City's interests. In this article for the Gotham Gazette, the Center's Jonathan Bowles shows that the 2001-2002 legislative session was no different.
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2002
Re-Knitting the Safety NetAnalysis and recommendations from the Center for an Urban Future on how to reorient welfare, in New York City and the nation, into a system that encourages, supports and rewards work.
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2002
An Interview with Lawrence MeadThe Center's David Fischer talks with political scientist Lawrence Mead, a leading scholar on poverty and welfare and a prominent voice in the debate over reauthorization of the federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program.
Testimony - June 2002
A Case For a Sector-Based Economic Development StrategyTestimony of Center Research Director Jonathan Bowles before the New York City Council's Economic Development Committee.
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2002
The Nonprofit MarginNew York City spends millions every year to help nonprofits provide needed social services in the five boroughs. So why doesn't the city let these linchpin organizations take advantage of tax incentives for relocation to alternative business districts the city promotes to for-profits?
Commentary/Op-Ed - June 2002
Mike Has the Right Idea on Welfare ReformMayor Bloomberg's welfare reform proposal seeks to balance the obligation to work with the supports families need to escape dependency. (Originally published in Newsday, June 11, 2002.)
Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2002
A Needy City is Let Down by AlbanyIn the recently passed state budget, Albany officials continue to give short shrift to New York City, even after September 11. (Originally published in the New York Daily News, May 27, 2002.)
Commentary/Op-Ed - May 2002
New York State of BlindIf it doesnt work hard to attract the job-creating entrepreneurs of the future, NYC will lose its reputation as "The Greatest City in the World."
Testimony - April 2002
Remarks at WIA Reauthorization ForumOn April 25, the Center's David Fischer spoke at a forum on reauthorization of the federal Workforce Investment Act in New York City sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Commentary/Op-Ed - April 2002
Training WreckIn the latest installment of NYC Inc., the Center's David Fischer examines why New York City has fared so poorly in connecting the business community to job training and workforce development systems.